Harry; Sarah - Opposites Attract.

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 Harry Styles was the boy everyone misjudged, they thought he was part of the typical popular crowd. They thought he was one of those people who would give his homework to someone with more intelligence than him because he simply couldn't be bothered wasting his time and energy trying to think of a half decent answer, that he would purposely leave his dinner money at home just to take someone else's and leave them starving for the rest of the day and worst of all they thought he was the kind of guy that would pick a new victim weekly, follow them home and when they were least expecting it push them against a wall and 'rough' them up a bit until they were petrified to come to school any more, but he wasn't like that he was just a ordinary boy who cared for others and especially the girl named Sarah who lived further down his street.

Sarah Wright saw right past everyone else's judgements, they lived on the same street and she was able to see as he helped people with too many bags back to their houses, placing a gentle kiss on their cheek before continuing on his way back home, she saw how the same girl came to his house every thursday after school who just so happened to be one of the struggling people in most of her classes that he was clearly tutoring from the back packed with books hanging from her shoulder, At lunch she'd notice how when someone had their money taken he'd grab a hold of their hand and buy them anything they wanted without having to pay them back but mostly? she knew how he never laid a hand on anyone unless they deserved it and stuck up for anyone who he saw being bullied and maybe that's why she fell for him, maybe it was something else but either way she knew she was in too deep and there was no getting rid of the feelings she had for him

 She noticed how everyday he sat with the same group of boys, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne. They were the only group of people from the other side of the year she didn't mind passing in the hallways as instead of giving everyone a hard shove into the nearest lockers they offered a friendly smile and even the odd wave depending on their mood. Harry also noticed how his friends seemed to take a shining to the girl he'd liked since she moved into the house 3 doors down nearly 4 years ago and so when lunchtime came and they were all seated around the same dinner table as always and the conversation had changed to females the brown haired boy decided to let his friends know exactly who they couldn't have.

"You guys need to lay off Sarah i saw her first and there for i call dibs!" He declared and the other 4 boys looked at him as if trying to hold back their laughs at their best friends sudden dominant outburst.

"Alright mate, it's just a bit of harmless banter I have Eleanor, Zayn has Perrie, Niall has Nando's and Liams got that girl who keeps checking out from the other side of the year who now that i think about it may just be friends with dear old Sarah so your dibs are safe and whenever you want to make your move we are more than happy to help" Louis informed the whole group adding a cheshire cat grin on his face when he reached the last sentence causing everyone to laugh and people from neighbouring tables to look over including Sarah's.

Looking around to try and determine how many people were looking at them due to his best friends outburst Harry would be lying if he said his breath didn't get caught in his throat when his eyes met with the chocolate brown ones looking right back at him with a glow in the corner which was being caused by the cafeteria lighting but managed to make the girl in front of him 100% more beautiful then she was before. It seemed like they could stay in a staring match forever until suddenly Harry felt something being thrown at his head followed by a round of laughing causing whatever trance he was caught in to be broken. Turning around the green eyed boy made sure to offer a hard glare at the boys still having a laugh at his expense and buried his head onto the table waiting for the moment the end of lunch bell to go off so he could be spared of the torture being thrown his way.

 His prayers were answered 15 minutes later when the loud buzzing was sent between the 4 walls alerting everyone in the room that it was time to get to the first of their last  lessons before the school was let out for the day. As quickly as they could everyone cleared out of the giant room not wanting to face the wrath of whichever teacher they had next whether they were popular or not and soon enough there was nothing but a dead silence hanging in every hall way but that was made up by the loud conversations coming from the classrooms lined up one after the other holding around 30 members from one year group and thankfully for the duo Harry and Sarah were in the same lesson.

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