Larry Stylinson; Last Kiss

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The sun was long gone over the horizon, a red streak spreading across the sky shading out most of the stars that were spread out like a blanket producing only the tiniest glimmer of light. The trees stood tall in odd locations around the park, plants lining along the path edges leaving patches of green grass where the children could play a game of football with their friends and a park where they could play on the swings or go for a trip down the slide. As he kept on walking Louis wasn't sure how long he'd been outside but with one brief look to his watch he knew it'd been at least a few hours as the time read 1:58am.

As he passed under a familiar blossom tree Louis remembered the first time him and Harry had come here, they'd brought a picnic a few months after their move to London and on their first free day they'd decided to explore the park clearly visible from their middle story window. The smile that remained on his face for the whole day made the fact that they later got yelled at by management for supposedly going 'walk abouts' worth it especially as before they left they shared their first kiss and officially became what the world had already labelled 'Larry Stylinson'. He remembered how Harry had whispered those three words in his ear for only him to hear, Unfortunately things weren't like that any more and with his head hung low Louis walked back the way he came and with those same thoughts spinning round his head and slowly made his way home.

 However as he re entered his flat and was greeted by nothing but an eery blackness shadowing the whole building meaning the only way to see was if Louis flipped on a light switch, but he didn't. Instead he aimlessly guided himself through the nearest doorway and fell straight over the back of the sofa not even bothering to move himself to sit up right, instead he allowed his eye sight to adjust and settle on a picture frame that sat untouched by the television, holding the first photo of him and Harry just seconds after they announced their relationship.

Louis remembered how it was only 4 days later on July 6th when the boys were split apart for the first time, Louis, Zayn and Niall were made to fly to America for an few interviews whilst the other two remained in London for different ones. In the meeting they were told of how they'd be apart for all of 3 days but with the way the two boys acted for the rest of that day made it seem as though the trip was going to last a lifetime. At 8 am that day Harry rode with his boyfriend to the airport and waited right until the last moment to release his hand before showing him the way onto the aeroplane and disappearing as the door closed and the plane took off allowing Louis to gaze out of the window and try spot the mop of brown hair he knew would be watching from the window of the building below.

 As soon as the electronics sign was turned off Louis had pulled out his phone and began texting his boyfriend, practically counting down the hours until they were back side by side and throughout the whole trip they texted hundreds of times right until the last moment when the 3 boys boarded back on the plane from America and set of back to London soil. And exactly like everyone expected the plane had barely even stopped moving when Louis was on his feet running towards the door waiting for the moment it opened so he could run down the stairs and into those awaiting arms, and what made it all the more cliché was that the rain was pouring down around them, creating a humid atmosphere in the air around them, giving a damp smell to those around the affected area, and so when they kissed in the rain on July 9th Louis could feel Harry's heart pounding against his chest as if wanting to break free and even when he'd let go he could still feel his boyfriends arms wrapped around his waist keeping him safe.

When a loud clap of thunder sounds between the walls of the living room Louis was instantly snapped out of his daydream and stood up stumbling along the corridor still not bothering to flick the light switch that was only centimetres away and instead carried on his way to the bedroom he used to share with the younger boy slipping on the green eyed boys favourite blazer that had been left behind amongst a lot of other things that Harry 'hadn't had time' to come and collect.

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