Liam; Lia - 4 Years Later.

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Growing up you'd always find me and my group of friends fan girling over the newest, hottest pop sensation like every other teenage girl and even sometimes boy, i'd dream about what it would be like to date a pop sensation, be one or even meet one, Never would i have thought that all of them would come true within the space of 4 years. You see when i was 16 my mum thought it'd be a good idea to send me to a summer camp to help me get a better CV for the university i wanted to go to and using my love of children against me, signed me up to look after 90 of them for 6 weeks.

 When i got there it was mostly 6 - 7 years old and all the helpers looked to be in their 30's, Well that was until a black range rover pulled up at the gates and out got 1/5 of One Direction aka Liam Payne followed by a man the world knew as Paul Higgins as they walked to the sign in desk that was currently un occupied and there was only me around, Sighing to myself i made the decision to go see what they wanted and i was instantly drawn to his chocolate brown orbs that shone when he spotted me for the first time and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hi there, We spoke to a Janet on the phone? We arranged that Liam would help out here for the summer for experience on what goes on around the country" Paul told me and i checked the book to see that he in fact was scheduled to start today so after filling the duo in on everything that was going to happen over the summer and giving him the right uniform and schedule he'd need Paul gave him some contact details and left to get back in his car leaving me and Liam in total silence once he'd drove off.

  That summer me and Liam grew closer than me and my bestfriends had in the 12 years we'd known eachother when we all met in reception. We told eachother things no one else in the world knew about us and it was honestly one of the best feelings in the world being able to share this sort of bond with someone but of course those 6 weeks couldn't last forever and sooner rather than later we both had to leave the camp and go back to our seperate lives, That was the year i met a celebrity and developed my first real crush and i couldn't have imagined it happening any better if i'd have tried.

Once i was back home i realised me and Liam had never exchanged contact details or twitter names, nothing. This meant that after a few weeks he'd forget about me again and everything we'd built back at the summer camp would wash away into nothing leaving me to wallow in self pity and that's exactly what i did. Well that was until my mum told me she'd re signed me up for the summer camp for the second year in a row without giving me a choice.

That's why 365 days later from the first time when my mum pulled up outside the same summer camp as before i literally locked myself in the car refusing to get out until we were in the safety of our driveway but of course she somehow found a way to get me out and then drove off before i had chance to turn around and get back in, Only when i walked in i was faced with the one boy who i hadn't spoke to in so long.

That day we spent getting to know eachother all over again, learning about all the changes that'd happened in our lives and how Liam had ended up coming back here with such a busy schedule and his only reasoning 'You'. Everyday for the next 6 weeks when i woke up Liam would be waiting at my door to walk me to breakfast, help me out with the classes i had to run, walk me to dinner and tea and then we'd go for late night boat rides or horse riding before he'd walk me back to my cabin and return to his own.

By the time the 5th week had come to an end the feelings i'd long ago managed to bury deep down somewhere in my heart slowly began to re appear which unfortunately made it really difficult to be around the Wolverhampton boy for the last week in fear that i'd let something i shouldn't slip but somehow i managed it and this time when  the time came for us to leave once again we made sure that we had absolutely every bit of contact information we both had and then just like before Paul was there to pick Liam up and my mum was there to pick me up and listen to how my summer went.

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