Niall;Maggie - Turning Tables.

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Everything was perfect when we left our apartment only a matter of hours ago, We were both happy with smiles evident on our faces as we headed to the Kids Choice Awards since One Direction and i were both performing. We met up with the other boys and their girlfriends in the car that had come to collect us and we rode together catching up and talking about how excited we were for tonight, When we finally arrived we'd gone to see photographers, met up with other celebrities, done some interviews and met with some fans before going inside.

For the next few hours we watched as artist after artist with the occasional band went up onto the stage and gave a speech because they'd won an award and among the them were the boys and i which we hadn't expected at all but it made our nights even better. Finally after we'd all performed and all the awards had been won we finally decided to call it a night since it had already been 4 hours since we arrived, only that's when everything started going wrong...

After only being outside for a few seconds a magazine was thrown at me from a random direction causing my face to scrunch up in confusion but i still picked it up anyway and what i saw made my blood run cold, on the front cover was Niall locking lips with a girl that had been hanging around the boys for quite some time and was known to me as Louis' cousin and the headline? Niall Horan shows off his new princess. As soon as i saw that i instantly dropped it and headed straight off the red carpet and climbed into the car that had been sent for me which didn't go un noticed by any of the boys as they ran towards me but thankfully my driver understood and picked up the speed.

As i arrived back home i only stopped for a quick 'thank you' to the driver before getting in the elevator taking me to the right floor but before i could slam it shut someones foot was placed between the frame making it run right into their foot instead and by the grunt that followed after i realised that it could only be one person, and he was the one i didn't really want to see right now.

Walking through into the apartment the anomosity between both me and Niall could probably be sensed from miles away and it was clear to anyone around us that one of us was going to blow pretty soon and i couldn't be around this anymore, we were so close yet so far apart at the same time and sometimes it was like the flat was a warzone nevermind a home. Keeping my head down i carried on walking towards the stairs planning on an early night right until i passed Niall and head him mutter something that sounded like 'not this again' under his breath and it's safe to say that's when i lost it.

"Not this again huh? Not what exactly?! Not another one of our fights where all my belongings end up on the floor? Not me talking to you and telling you how i feel for you to always have more to say and not listen to me at all?! I don't think i can do this anymore. Your always changing and god knows what else. Me hearing rumour after rumour about you cheating is bad enough and then having the articles that practically prove it to me shoved in my face along with having to come home to this isn't helping" I started only to once again being interrupted by Niall and that's how every argument went, i'd try tell him how i was feeling but i'd always end up unheard.

"Don't start this again Maggie! I don't want to fight with you, hell i'd give anything for our relationship to go back to the happy one it was but i can't and i don't know what you want me to do about it! I've never cheated on you and you should know that even with all the articles in the world saying it! you know how it is since you have the same career as me. I change because it's best for my career, i have fans and management to impress, they're my life and without them i don't know where i'd be if i'm honest. You know sometimes i don't think i can carry on like this either and i have every urge to leave but then i think of you and i know i have to keep fighting for us because i love you" He near enough shouted back and i must admit being told that his careers his life and that they mean more to him than me and that hurt.... a lot, but it also made things a lot more clearer for me.

"You know i don't want to fight with you either but like you said we can't get our relationship back, i find it so hard to trust you anymore because deep down i think you have cheated, you must have been in a similar position for it to even be slightly photoshopped and i can't live with the feeling i'm not good enough anymore, I think if your career and management are your world then you should just focus on that and i'll do the same because we've been close for so long but now all i do is hurt and this isn't a life, you might have been holding on but i'm letting go." I told him keeping my voice soft and for the first time in the 2 years of dating Niall he seemed to have nothing left to say so i took this as my que to leave and quickly made a run for the stairs preparing to pack my things.

A part of me wanted him to run after me, beg me to stay and i knew i probably would and so i waited in the bedroom for 5 minutes, un moving waiting to see if he came but nothing happened so i came to face the fact that he wasn't coming and finally began packing my bags filling them with only the things i'd need for the next few days until i could come back for the rest of my belongings and headed back dowstairs to see my things once again all over the floor with Niall leant with his back against the sofa holding onto the hoodie i'd left there only last night with tears streaming down his face and it took everything in me not to drop my bags and scoop him into my arms right then and there, instead i just kept walking only stopping once more at the door to look back at the boy i'd devoted my life to for so long.

"Bye Niall"

After gaining no responce i let out a quiet sigh and turned my head again taking one step forward before i heard something that made me question if i'd been right to cause such a big scene in the first place, had i made the biggest mistake of my life by overreacting or would i be making it if i walked out of this door? I guess i'd have to find out because i didn't acknowledge that i'd heard him and left the apartment complex with only his words running through my head.

"I didn't cheat"

Days passed and i never left the hotel room i as staying in for the next two weeks, my phone remained turned off in the bottom of my bag, my clothes began running out and there's only so many times you can watch the same selection of movies before you begin to drive yourself insane so getting dressed into a simple pair of jeans, baggy jumper and uggs i placed my hair in a messy bun on top of my head grabbed all the things i'd need and finally slipped a pair of black sunglasses over my eyes to hide the black bags that had appeared and headed out of the room followed by the hotel heading in the direction of the apartment me and Niall shared.

When i got there all the lights were off and there seemed to be no one in so movingt as quickly as possible i headed upto the bedroom grabbing the proper suitcases from the wardrobe and packed the remainder of my belongings along with pictures and clothes but i left the small things that wouldn't really do me much good, sometimes i wonder if i did the right thing by leaving, he didn't ask me to leave and i didn't let him close enough to hurt me, well atleast i didn't at the start, now i'm not so sure.

20 minutes later everything was finally packed and carried down to the front door but just as i was about to put the note i'd written to Niall down on the kitchen table the front door was opened followed by muffled voices and that meant it was going to be 10 times as hard to get out and even more so once he spotted the bags parked by the front door and walked right into the kitchen to find me stood there.

"Whats going on Maggie?" He asked curiously looking around the room before his gaze finally locked back on me again.

"I meant what i said Niall, I can't keep doing this. One minute your the guy i fell in love with and the next i dont recognise you it's like turning tables, you know i swore to myself that i'd never let anyone close enough to hurt me but i broke it when i met you and it was the biggest mistake i've ever made but instead of asking you to leave i'm going instead, i can't give you everything you think you give me because i don't even know what you give me anymore, so i guess this is goodbye" I told him before walking out of the kitchen to the front door where i saw all the other boys watching the door i'd just come out of with questioning gazes.

This time i didn't look back as i pulled my suitcases out of the door, i didn't hear footsteps running up behind me, i didn't hear something beg me to come back but i did hear something that would ring through my ears for a long time and it was the same irish voice that i'd heard so many times before.

"We're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again"

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