Niall;Charlie - Try To Fix You.

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'It's meant to be cold today' they said.

'We'll be some of the first people there' they said.

 Standing outside the academy in which One Direction were holding a meet and greet for 400 fans the weather must have been around 24/25 degrees and being dressed in a navy blue sweater and black jeans with my white converse i was practically boiling. I'd contemplated taking my jumper off many times but i don't think people would take too kindly to seeing the bruises and cuts that lined my arms, especially my friends.

 Taking a look around i saw the start of the line was quite a way away from where we were stood and the back was around 40 people behind us which also downed my spirits as i tried to look for a slight bit of shade that could provide me with some sort of shelter if only for a little while but my eyes failed to land on anywhere which caused an involuntary sigh to escape through the gap in my lips instantly drawing the attention of my 4 friends.

"What's up Char?" Beth asked me giving me a concerned look.

"Nothing, just a little warm that's all since you know i was told it was going to be cold" I responded giving her a cocked eyebrow look as it was her fault i was dressed like i was and the expression caused a blush to spread across her cheeks in what i could only pick out as embarrassment.

"You know i'm sorry about that, i would've told you sooner but they'd already set off when i noticed it was warm so you were the last to find out" She spoke looking at the ground asif she was going to cry with the guilt so i instantly moved closer to her wrapping my arms around her making sure we were the right level so that i could whisper in her ear.

"I'm only joking you daft head, i don't mind honestly. It's not like you could control the weather anyway" I smiled back at her reassuringly and i instantly felt her relax in my arm causing a small smile to make it's way onto my face as i knew she wasn't upset anymore. We stayed in our huddled embrace for around 5 minutes before Megan tapped us on the shoulder and told us to move up because the signings had started... This was going to be one hell of a long wait.

 As always i was right, 1 hour and 30 minutes later we'd moved around 10 inches and fans inside were taking a little longer than expected and it was already half 2. Moving away from the group slightly i saw a patch of shade against the wall of the buiding covered by the roof and i instantly smiled to myself and ran towards the ground instantly throwing myself to the floor and feeling the cool air hit my skin instantly providing fresh air to the areas that needed it most.

It took a few minutes but the line finally moved down once again meaning that the girls were only a few steps in front of me and when they came out of the conversation they were engrossed in finally looked up and noticed me sat there so Beth came to sit with me. I don't know how long we sat there, it could've been minutes or even hours but before i knew it we had to move once again around the corner signifying that we were a lot closer to the front because we could now see the enterance from where we were stood.

 Keeping small talk going through the group it was 3:47pm when we were at the barrier waiting to go in and all that was seperating us from the boys was the security guard that had his arm placed infront of us incase we were crazy, even though we weren't and had no intention of being it was his job so we didn't say anything and just kept talking with eachother waiting patiently then finally it was our turn and i couldn't help but smile when the guard looked at us all and said

"You guys have been the calmest all day, i think they'll appreciate that because i certainly do" He told us and we all exchanged thank you's and even managed to snap a few pictures with him before  making our way into the tent but none of us forgot to say bye to the guy we knew as Andy.

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