Niall;Allie - Thinking About You

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  Upon hearing a vibrating coming from my bedside table i was immediatly pulled out of my sleep as my hand whipped from under the covers and started to search for the source of sound that i instantly recognised as my phone. Pulling into my grip i brought it back to my face slowly peeling my eyes open to read who the text was from and what it said and once i had i nearly dropped my phone, It was from my boyfriend Niall who i hadn't seen in 6 months.

 Not bothering to check the time or even trying to be quiet i climbed out of bed and over to my desk where i sat down on the chair and turned my laptop on which seemed to take a whole lot longer than it usually did. When it had finally finished loading and i was automatically logged onto Skype it didn't take long for me to see the little box appear which suddenly made my heary beat a whole lot faster especially when i pressed 'Accept'

 Seconds later the screen turned black as his webcam began to register causing a slight groan to escape my lips as it was like i was being tortured but then i heard his voice also letting out a groan asif his computer was doing the same which made me chuckle slightly as i thought about how he doesn't handle anger very well but then, I saw him. I saw my boyfriend and i don't think i've ever smiled wider.

 "Long time no see Nialler" I beamed as i saw him jump up from below the screen as he obviously hadn't seen me appear, He smiled too before i saw it falter and he slowly began to frown.

"Tell me about it Al, And whilst your at it you can tell me whether it's either a really dark morning there or whether you've let me wake you up in the middle of the night once again which i'm pretty sure i told you not to anymore since i always feel really bad!" He complained and i just sat and giggled which didn't make him happy.

"Well, It's been 6 months because your on tour, Would you like me to continue? And okay, It's just a really dark morning and it's tricking you into thinking it's the middle of the night" I joked and for the first time tonight i saw him give me that heart warming smile that made me fall in love with him all over again and this time it lasted for more than 5 seconds.

"I know, Sorry for the late call it's just i was thinking about you again and how much i miss you which made me want to hear and see you" He explained and i'm pretty sure my heart just melted at his cuteness.

 "Well i'm glad you did, Anyway how've you been?" I asked changing the subject knowing that if we carried on being all cute towards eachother one of us would end up with tears in their eyes and it was usually me.

For the next 2 hours we sat and talked about random things from School, The tour, My friends, The boys who decided to make a 30 minute drop in so that we could all have a group catch up and they all played me a song off the new album before going off again saying something about going to skype their own girlfriends leaving it at just us two to talk about when he got home in 3 months time.

 Sooner then i'd have liked in Chicago their time hit 10pm and Paul came in telling them they had to get to bed since they had an interview in the morning meaning we had to say goodbye not knowing when we were going to have another conversation like this.

"I've got to go now princess but i promise i'll call you at a decent time either tomorrow or the day after because something tells me i'll be thinking about you a whole lot more now" He admitted whilst wearing his blush proudly causing me to smile.

 "I know, Call me whenever you can after today i'm free for the next two weeks so i'll be waiting, I love you" I replied as i saw his eyes droop knowing when Paul came back in and told him off.

"I will, I love you" And with that he hung up submerging my room back into darkness apart from the slight light seeping in through the gaps in my blinds which caused me to look at my alarm clock that read 4:36am, Sighing i curled myself back into my covers making sure my alarm was set for sixth form in 2 hours time.

 The next morning i basically felt dead as my brain refused to function properly because of how little sleep i'd had but as i replayed the conversation over in my head i knew it was all worth it, After eating my breakfast i shouted a quick goodbye to my mum even though she was on the phone with someone and probably didn't hear me and set off on the short walk to the sixth form building where i was immediatly greeted by friends.

 Throughout the day people began acting weird with me and keeping me away from my phone and any source of internet, At first i didn't think about it but then i heard Nialls name being mentioned and suddenly i felt sick to my stomach, Had he been cheating on me? Was our relationship a lie? Deciding to get away from everyone i signed myself out and ran, Ran down the empty streets of London and to the park where i'd first bumped into Niall.

  My parents had just announced their divorce and i was heartbroken and since this was my favourite place this is the first place i came and that's when fate made us meet so in turn he could teach me that not every couple would follow the same path and he'd be the one to show me... Until today. By the time i'd been sat here just over an hour i knew school would be out and my mum would be expecting me home so collecting my things together i began the slightly longer walk back to my house not even bothering to wipe the tears that were falling.

10 minutes later i was stood outside my front door and it was only then that i chose to wipe the water droplets away as i knew my mum would ask questions so after taking a deep breath i placed my hand on the handle then pushed it open.. only to reveal an empty house, As i peered down the hall into the kitchen i became confused as normally she's always home, Deciding to check the house i went upstairs and there was no sign, That left the living room and just as i was about to lose all hope i heard shuffling from inside. Placing a smile on my face i repeated the actions from when i first entered the house and pushed the door open only to reveal the one person i really didn't want to see right now...


As soon as our eyes locked i nearly melted especially when i saw the boquet of roses in his hands but as he took one step towards me i made sure to take a big one back causing his face to look confused, Heartbroken and worried.

"Allie, What's wrong?" He asked trying to come closer but no matter what i wouldn't let him.

"You've been cheating on me and your asking what's wrong?" I shot back not being able to help the fresh batch of tears that began to fall but i could help over hearing him laughing from infront of me and that made my blood boil.

"I'm not cheating on you! Where did you get that stupid idea from?!" He asked still laughing asif it was one of the most bizarre things on the planet.

"People at school wouldn't let me on the internet, Said it was for my own good and that you were involved so it doesn't take a genius" I explained causing his face to immediatly soften when he saw that i'd really taken this to heart so when he came towards me once more i didn't have it in me left to move so i let myself be embraced into his chest as i buried my head into the crook of his neck.

"Princess, There was a news article about me coming home to surprise you all over the internet and as soon as i found out it could ruin the my plan i told Meghan, So her and all your other friends were discussing how to keep my return a secret that's why everyone was acting off, I'm sorry you took it the wrong way" He told me and i instantly felt a douche for even thinking he could do something like that in the first place.

"I'm so sorry Niall, I should have known you wouldn't have done anything to hurt me" I apologised and instead of replying straight away he just held me tighter for a few more minutes.

"I told you Al, I only have time to be thinking about you since i miss you so much, Which is why i can't do this long distance anymore and i want you come with me on the rest of the tour, We'll find you a tutor and everything i promise" He kept throwing random pieces of information at me until i basically had to scream to get his attention.

"NIALL! You had me when you mentioned coming on tour, I don't need a tutor as long as i have you" I admitted which caused the smile i fell in love with to re appear on his face before we shared our first kiss in 6 months and if you asked me, It felt like i was falling in love all over again.

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