Niall;Vanessa - Standing In The Dark

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A/N '----' Means changed P.O.V. so it starts with Niall then switches :)


  I could hear the t.v. playing in the background, i could see the lights from passing cars coming and going past the window through the corner of my eye, i could hear my heart pounding in my chest and i could feel my joints becoming stiff as the clock chimed 3am. It's been 8 hours since i placed myself on the couch in my flat thinking about Vanessa and all the memories we'd shared in the 7 years we'd known eachother from the very first time we met at the bottom of her front garden when she first moved onto the street with her mum since her parents had just split up to the time we confessed our feelings in the tree house we'd found in the forest behind our houses when we were 15 and then the last time i saw her which was a year and 5 months ago.

  Tears cascaded down her face going over the tracks already imprinted on her face as she watched Paul take my suitcases from by my feet and drag them to the luggage compartment on the tour bus since he knew we'd want to have a proper goodbye. I remembered how i told her i'd come back for her when the tour was over no matter what happened and we said 'i love you' before sharing our last hug and kiss and then that was it i was dragged away and taken onto the bus forced to watch as she became nothing more than a dot standing in the middle of the road as we waved just hoping the other could see.

 Now i was back and she was the only thing on my mind as all the possible scenarios ran through my mind causing me to become tired from over thinking so i moved myself from the living room upstairs to my bedroom and after changing i climbed into bed laying down and staring blankly at the ceiling, not moving hoping that sleep would soon claim me pretty soon.. but it didn't happen. Insteadi was given even more visions than before as my mind gave me back the feeling of Vanessa laying next to me like she used to do when we were together, her arm draped over my waist as mine lay securely behind her neck with my spare hand holding the one across my chest.

 The smile i'd grown to love was still present upon her lips the same as everyday i've known her. Without noticing a few tears managed to escape from the corner of my eyes soaking into my pillow shortly after and were followed by many others. I don't know how long i led there being consumed in tears but after a few hours i was dead to the world and that was the first night i cried myself to sleep.

Throughout my sleep my dreams kept changing, never focusing on one scenario for too long all revolving around the memories from before and finally 8 hours later i was awoken by claps of thunder spreading across the sky as rain accompanied it by pouring from the sky along with the odd flash of lightening breaking through the clouds and hitting anything in it's path on the ground below that was luckily miles away from this part of London. As i was about to leave my bedroom in favour of having some breakfast i remembered how Vanessa was petrified of thunderstorms and would always need someone to comfort her and even though it was one hell of a long shot i decided to get dressed and left the apartment with my destination pretty clear.

Luckily it was only around a 5 minute walk to her house and as i walked further away from my flat and closer to hers my gaze became locked onto the pavement infront of me as i found myself counting every crack that appeared so that the thought of seeing Vanessa face to face aswell as the conversation we were going to have became less scary to me. I don't know how i'm going to work my way out of the mess i left so long ago because me aswell as her know i won't leave the band and at the end of it all she'll still be left on her own most days as i'll be in other commitments or away on tours but if i could keep her i'd work something out in a heartbeat.

 Within a few minutes of being lost in thoughts once again i finally reached her front door with a smile on my face but it instantly fell as i saw something that nobody could have prepared me for, She was dancing around the kitchen, climbing on the table with music blasting in the background as she began to dance waving things around in her hands asif she was in the midle of doing something and considering it was a spoon i was guessing baking but that wasn't what broke my heart, it was the fact she was doing it all with someone else, another man.

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