Niall;Meghan - Simply Amazing.

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Meghan had stayed in her room for the past 3 days just clutching the now tear stained pillow to her chest in fear that if she let go of it even for a second then it would leave her just like he did. Right now she was going through a stage people liked to call heartbreak and the person who had caused it was the one she thought she could see herself growing old with and have the whole 'childhood sweetheart' scenario behind it but only now did she know that she wasn't going to get her happy ending with Niall.

Little did she know that Niall wasn't taking this as easy as everyone thought he was, Yeah he'd broken up with her and told her he didn't love her but that was what he was told to say, Truth be told he loved that girl with all of his heart but she could never know the reason behind why she was now crying on the floor because that could possibly mean the end of One Direction and Niall couldn't have that weighing on his shoulders aswell as all the worlds hate and worst of all Meghans.

The boys had all decided to go out together for the day to try and get their minds off all the trouble that had happened over the past few days and at first Niall thought he could do it and maybe just maybe for a few hours he could smile and it wouldn't be fake and that maybe he would enjoy himself without the blue eyed beauty he'd fallen head over heels with by his side.

Well now that he'd started thinking about her his plan had now gone out of the window and he offically missed her more then he did before, Luckily they hadn't decided to go far away from the house so after a while he could say he wasn't feeling too good and they'd let him walk home where he would lock himself in his room and beat himself up about how he could have put up more of a fight for her but didn't and now it was too late.

Back at Meghans house she'd decided that the bed was comfier then sitting on the hard floor so now laid tucked under her covers still clutching the pillow and with her television turned on and nothing new to her was seeing the news reporter talking about the break up of her and One Directions Niall Horan, So far she was doing fine and controlling all the tears that wanted to pour out of her broken eyes but that all changed the moment his face popped up on her screen and that's when she lost it.

Seeing the face of the person she found absolutly no flaws in anymore as she'd grown to love them became to much so she eventually shut off the tv and didn't even attempt to get rid of the tears now streaming down her face adding to the puffiness of the red bags under her eyes, It's not like she had anyone to impress anymore or even see since she'd cut herself off from the world, Even her own mum. The person that had been there for her since day one.

Niall was trying his hardest to get Meghan out of his head and it had finally worked. He tried to tell himself that he would enjoy today and if not for himself then for the boys instead, He could picture them all pulling up to the beach and playing on the sand for a while and then diving off into the sea where he would ask Liam to teach him about surfing then they'd all go out for Nando's for tea before going home and having a movie marathon.

He'd managed to be excited about the day but that all changed as they pulled up to the real location and his smile turned abruptly into a frown. Niall looked at all the boys with a tinge of sadness and anger in his eyes and they all seemed to know what he was asking because Liam was the first one to reply with an answer.

"Look mate, We don't know what happened that day at the office but we have a pretty good idea since you broke up with her a few hours after, Whatever they said you have to put a stand to it Niall and even if they threatened the band we're behind you a hundred percent of the way just like you would be for us, She needs to know the truth and both your hearts need to be mended"

He finished his speech giving Niall a friendly side hug before the rest of the boys pitched in with their nice comments before literally pushing him out of the car then moments later speeding off down the streets making sure that he couldn't get back in incase he changed his mind which he didn't have time to do because before he could register what was going on his legs started walking up the gravle path leading him to the front door he'd seen so many times in the past but never thought he'd be seeing again.

Inside things were eery quiet except for the quiet sniffles of a hurting girl coming from behind the last door on the left upstairs. Her parents weren't home which meant she could cry until her tears ran out and nobody would know the difference once they got home because she'd have caked some make up all over her face hiding the black bags that were now forming under her eyes.

She was so busy crying that she was so busy listening to the sound of her own cries that she almost didn't hear the doorbell ring from downstairs, Looking in the mirror she looked awful but at this moment in time didn't care so walked down the stairs and to the front door where her jaw dropped to the ground when she saw who was standing infront of her after walking away almost 6 days ago.

"Meghan, I-I" Niall starts but can't find the words to tell her the truth so he thought of a song he could sing before hand that would wash away his nerves,

"Just listen to the words" Is all he said before taking out his phone and playing the familiar tune of 'Simpy Amazing' by Trey Songz.

I can really explain what it is she does, But whatever it is, it's um simply amazing.

Her head is on my chest, sun comes rolling in, We're lost in these covers and all I feel is skin, I slowly kiss your face, beautiful in every way, you are, See I'm a man that don't believe in much, But I'll be damned if I don't believe in us.

And how we play a fight up in the bathroom, Next thing I know, I'm making love to you, Girl, promise me you'll never change, She ain't perfect, but she's worth it, Every breath I breathe, for the life of me.

And I know I might not deserve it,

But she loves me, and its simply amazing, Simply amazing, And she loves me, and it's simply amazing amaze-amazing

The girl's a work of art, and I can't help but stare, With a smile like the sunset, and the ocean as her hair, Oooooh what she do ain't fair oooh, She know me better than I know myself hmmmn, See I'm a man that don't believe in much

But I'll be damned if I don't believe in us, Like when I said I loved you for the first time, And the tears dropped from your eyes, Girl don't you ever change, She ain't perfect, but she's worth it, Every breath I breathe, for the life I need,

And I know I might not deserve it, But she loves me, and its simply amazing, Simply amazing, And she loves me, There is nothing in this world, That can keep me away from you, And there's nobody who could ever compare to you, Oooohhh

She ain't perfect, but she's worth it, Every breath I breathe, for the life I need, And I know I might not deserve it, But she loves me, and its simply amazing, Simply amazing

And she loves me and its simply amazing

By the end of Niall serenade Meghan had fresh tears falling down her face but this time they were happy as they stared into eachothers eyes for what seemed like an eternity getting lost in eachothers blue just like the first time they ever met.

"Meghan, I have something to tell you. Liam told me you deserve the truth and i think you do too, I never wanted to break up with you but management did, They threatened me saying if i didn't break up with you and get some fans back then i was out of One Direction along with the other lads. I tried fighting against them but they wouldn't budge and after everything my heart was torn, I knew one day you'd be able to forgive me and find someone else but the boys never would so that's why i went through with what they told me to do. I didn't mean anything i said. I love you Meghan because your simply amazing."

After spilling everything to the girl that owned his heart a stray tear fell down his cheek but was was soon wiped away by the girl that didn't know whether to be happy at the fact she finally had her happy ending with the prince she'd always wanted or furious at the fact he'd been threatened all because of her. Instead she just stood on her tip toes and gave Niall a long awaited kiss and words didn't need to be spoken as their love for eachother was portrayed through the kiss and now they would be happy.

"Like i said Simply Amazing"

Is all Niall said before placing his lips back on Meghans and knowing that what ever trouble they were going to get into for this he had the full support of his loving girlfriend and amazing bandmates behind him, This truly was a happy ending.

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