Liam;Paige - Still The One (Part 2)

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  When 7pm came around i was climbing out of the car Niall had sent to collect me as i was placed along side a never ending line consisting of thousands of screaming girls waiting for the moment the doors would open so they could get to their seats and be one step closer to seeing the boys. Letting a small sigh escape my lips i thanked the driver and began the search for the box office where i'd collect my backstage pass and general admission ticket but didn't have much luck as i could barely move.

 It took around 10 minutes for me to finally find it at the side of the building against the wall meaning that it was near enough fully hidden away apart from the LED sign placed on the roof giving away the location, being as polite as i could i began moving side ways through the crowd being thankful that people weren't causing a fuss and were letting me through resulting in me getting to the counter a few seconds later where i was greeted with a smiling woman who looked around 24/25.

 "Hi, How may i help you?" She asked moving from the back of the booth to infront of me and even having to lean over the counter in order for us to hear eachother.

"Hi, My names Paige Carter, Niall said there's a backstage pass and general admission ticket waiting for me here?" I told her and she seemed to know what i was on about before going back to her computer and getting a picture up... my picture up. Once establishing that we were the same person she handed them over and pointed out how to get backstage from where i was meaning i had to walk right to the other side of the building adding another 5 minutes onto the time it took me to get to Paul.

 As soon as he saw me i was pulled into a hug which practically crushed my bones, you see when me and Liam broke up i didn't just leave behind the boys i left behind Paul too and it was quite obvious to everyone just how close we were since we spent loads of time together when the boys were performing meaning there was nothing we could really do but talk.

"Paige! How've you been?" He asked once he'd pulled back and placed me at arms length and it was then that i noticed the smile spread right across his face.

"I've been alright i guess missed you though, what about you?" I replied and i could tell he was thinking about something asif having a mental debate with himself.

"Same old, Looking after the boys, watching as their girlfriends come and go, making sure one of them in particular doesn't make the same mistake again before he has the chance to fix the first one." He told me keeping a close eye on my face as he explained it to me which only caused me to become confused.

"Don't be so hostile towards him Paul, like you said everyone makes mistakes but everyone deserves a second chance don't they?" I told him and he only nodded as he pulled open the door for me flashing a smile as i walked further into the building noticing how the door closed abruptly behind me.

 Backstage was practically in black out, i'm guessing so that people in the stands couldn't see what was going on and the only lights back here were on the lowest setting possible so that the crew and band members could see where they were going. If this was your first time backstage then you'd probably stand no chance but thankfully that wasn't the case for me as i knew the layout like the back of my hand now and managed to find the boys changing rooms in no time.

 Knocking 3 times i waited patiently for someone to open the door but after a few minutes no one answered so i hesitantly pushed it open being cautious that if they were in there and changing i wouldn't be scarred for life because of the images.. I prepared myself for most outcomes of what would be on the other side of the door but what i wasn't expecting was for it to be empty and only a note on the table, i slowly walked over to it and all it said was 'Switched rooms, next corridor room 205'

Letting a sigh escape my lips at the fact it wasn't some ransom note i made my way back out making sure to close the door behind me again and carried on walking past all the equipment until i came to room 205 where i could tell the boys were due to the fact Nialls laughing could be heard halfway down the hall.

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