Niall;Charlie - Try To Fix You (Part 2)

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 A silence was held from both sides of the phone with only the sound to be heard was that of shallow breathing as neither knew of us what to say or what was to come of the conversation that in both of their minds was 2 years overdue thanks to my stubborness and Nialls obliviousness. Noises could be heard from both backgrounds, the people of starbucks on my side and the boys having their daily jokes on Nialls and it was only when someone shouted a lot louder than needed someone near ot the phone in starbucks that we both snapped out of the transe we were in.

 "Hi, Niall" I squeeked out sounding more like a frightened mouse than the confident girl i was hoping to try and pull off.

"I didn't think i was ever going to hear from you again, you know after the.. erm the way things ended" He replied with a bit of hesitansy in his voice asif trying to find the right wording to get across what he was trying to say but even without him trying i understood loud and clear.

" I agree, i actually can't believe you remember me if i'm being honest" I added with a light hearted chuckle on the end hoping to rid us of the awkward tension that seemed to be drowning this conversation less than 5 minutes in and thanfully it seemed to work as Niall seemed to perk up a little bit launching straight into conversation.

"So how've you been?" He asked cautiously making my heart flutter at the way even after all this time he was still being sensitive about the whole thing which is exactly what i needed right now.

"Erm, same as last time really if not worse. How about you mr popstar?" I joked and i instantly heard that boystrous laugh i'd been longing to hear since the day i first met him what seemed a lifetime ago in that tent as we talked about anything and everything.

"It's been good, pretty much sucked after you sent that text though but it's in the past right?" He asked and as much as i wanted to say yes and move on from the whole thing, hang up and never pick up the phone to call him or recieve a call from him again so that he could stay out of all the complications i couldn't help but steal glances at my friends who were staring at me expectantly and that gave me the courage i should have had 2 years ago to tell him that no it wasn't in the past and i really needed him right now, i needed him to come and save me like he'd offered. I told him about how none of it had stopped only worse.

 I told him about the jealous outrages since i'd come home smiling after reading his letter and he'd accused me of cheating, i explained all about how he went out on night tiimes to get drunk and go to a strangers house allowing me to sneak out to see my parents to seek the only bit of normality i could hold onto and the best part? i had no idea why. I had no clue as to why i was trusting a famous celebrity that i had met once everything that was going on in my life but what got me the most is that he listened, he didn't judge and let me rant on about everything until i felt better.

"That's all you had to say Charlie, You could've told me all this 2 years ago and you would never have had to go through all of that because you'd be with me, i can't promise you that we'll be the perfect couple because we won't but i know we'll both put everything we have into it, so what do you say?" He asked and i instantly smiled thinking of the life i could be living very soon. Just as i was about to reply something that made my heart drop came into sight, Jake coming through the door looking like he was ready to kill someone.

"That sounds perfect. I need you to come and get me Niall, he's found me and he doesn't look happy at all, i need to go" I rushed out seeing Jake progressing quickly towards our table trying to push past the crowd of people that were forming a queue to just outside the door, I became so scared that i didn't evn hear what Niall said before i whispered one thing into the phone and pressed the end call button.

"I should've told you a while ago, but i love you Niall"

When Jake reached our table both him and the girls looked like they were ready to rip someones head off whilst i just sat there frozen to my seat thinking about the consequences i was going to face if he were to get me back to the flat with nobody else but us there, there'd be puches, slaps, kicks, some hair pulling and then a black eye.. that was if i was lucky, i remember once when i was knocked unconcious from one of the many blows i'd recieved to the head and that was not a story i liked explaining to the people who cared about me as i tried to think of a pretty decent lie to cover it up.

"Charlie! Get up we're going home NOW!" He growled in my face making my eyes widen in fear and my body flinch back at his closeness and tone of voice, the girls must have noticed as when i looked up there was a wall of people stood infront of me blocking me from his sight and vice versa and all i could do was listen to the shouting going on infront of me until a worker finally came over and had security escort Jake out for his threatening behaviour meaning that i was safe.. for now.

As soon as he was gone i was pulled into a group hug as they all tried to whisper reassuring words into my ear about how they'd protect me and he'd never hurt me again but i knew they were empty promises, he was a strong guy, how could 4 girls who were pretty skinny fight off him? I only knew of one boy who could do that and his name began subconciously rolling off my tongue "Niall, Niall, Niall" I whispered out as my body rocked side to side on the chair trying to get the images of every punch i'd ever recieved out of my head but failing miserably.

 It was when i was having a phone thrusted in my hand towards my face that my limbs began to function properly and my breathe to catch as i heard the voice on the end of the line, the voice i wished was right here beside me wrapping me up in his strong arms.

"Hey Charlie, breath for me okay? I'm on my way to come and get you. I've sent Paul and some body gaurds to your apartment to get your things and the girls are going to stay with you until i get there okay, everythings going to be just fine but you need to calm down i want you to be fully functioning when i walk in them doors and i expect a slow motion run you get me?" He explained adding a bit of a joke on the end which made a small giggle escape my lips.

"Okay, i'll be waiting here for you i promise" I whispered trying to fight the tears that were wanting to break free as i added "I could never thank you enough for this Niall" i heard a short reply of 'You don't have to' and 'i'll see you soon' before the line was cut off and it became a waiting game until Niall arrived and me having the odd panic attack thinking that something had happened and i'd be forced to go back to the apartment which i would probably never come out off.

 All my doubts were suddenly washed away when i looked up and noticed the whole place was empty and sat infront of me were 4 girls wearing smiles so big i was scared their cheeks were going to have big sores tomorrow but then i noticed that they were all nodding their heads towards the door asif telling me to look, at first i was petified at who it was but my legs instantly made me stand up and begin to run towards the mop of blonde hair waiting with open arms that wrapped around me when i entered their space.

"You came" I whispered into his chest that was covered in a Jack Wills hoodie and in return i felt a soft kiss being placed on the top of my head as i was slighly pushed away from the warm comfort so that Niall could look down and stare straight into my eyes.

"Of course i came! I told you 2 years ago i would and Niall James Horan keeps his word no matter how long ago it was or how bizarre it was, he always saves his princess" He told me with a cheeky smile etched onto his features.

"What if he comes after me Niall? I'm so scared he'll never let me go" I spoke barely even above a whisper and i could hear how broken i sounded, when had i become someone that was so scared of seeing tomorrow? How had i allowed such a monster to take away the person i was so used to being? 

"If he comes after you then i won't let him have you, Everyone on the team is your new extended family, your friends can come see you whenever they want, the boys and me will always be there to protect you, i promise you you're safe" He told me and i could see the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke which made me nod my head in agreement. 

"I told you i'd fix you and i will, It may take some time but i will fix you if it's the last thing i do" He smiled whilst giving me a soft kiss on the lips that was so easy to melt into and it was my way of giving him my trust. I trusted him to help my scars heal and bring back the girl i was so long ago and if that meant moving away to be on tour with him everywhere they went then i'd do it no matter what obsticles we were going to encounter on the way..

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