Nouis Toran; Save Me.

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Niall wasn't sure when it had all begun, when his days seemed to be getting significantly longer, when the stress began getting to him more than usual, when his girlfriend had left him because she could no longer deal with the hate from the fans or even when he figured out he was in fact gay and came out to the band, but one thing that he was sure of was that it had began, he'd began cutting himself. Sometimes it would just be once a night when everyone else was in bed or out at a club then others it would be during interviews when they were asking tough questions and he'd sneak out to take a 'breather' because he knew no one would question it when he returned.

 His cutting had been going on for around 3 months when things took an unexpected turn and the world found out about Niall being gay, something that he'd only ever told the boys about until that day and the population didn't take it as well as he'd hoped. The hate on twitter got worse and people would shun him if they crossed paths in the street if they hadn't already sent him a string of curse words first along with some family members not accepting their relative meaning he'd never felt so alone, that's how it came about that  everyday he found himself hurled over his toilet ridding his stomach of the contents he'd previously eaten making him grow skinner with every day that passed yet still no one noticed and that hurt Niall more than he let on but it was also his motivation to continue.

Days turned into weeks and whilst Niall went on with his routines thinking no one had noticed Louis was catching on... and fast. He'd notice the blonde haired boy sneaking off at the stangest of times, coincidentally shortly after everytime he ate a meal and then returning with a drained look on his face and a forced fake smile wiped right across his lips and then on the 3rd day of the 5th week he saw the cuts, from the ones starting at his bestfriends elbow going downwards to his wrist to the ones that were on his thigh asif he'd been stratching himself over and over again causing his nails to rip through the skin and scar the damaged boy for life and that did it. Without thinking Louis grabbed the younger boy by his collar and dragged him into the nearest bedroom he could find.

"You think i haven't noticed huh? The constant running away when you've eaten and returning looking as pale as a ghost? You think i haven't noticed the cuts on your arms and thighs when i came in to give you a kiss goodnight and your tshirts risen? Well i have and you have some serious explaining to do!" Louis growled at the now scared boy as he struggled to get out the words that would clear everything up for the curious boy, he wanted to tell him about his family, about the people on the streets, about the hate on twitter but he didn't know how to so instead he just threw himself into the arms of the older boy and sobbed until he went light headed from the lack on air in his lungs and decided on summing everything up in two words.

"Save me"

If Louis' heart wasn't already broken before it certainly was now as he heard the vunerability in his bestfriends voice and that's what made him clutch onto the younger boy as if both their lives depended on it and through unspoken words Niall knew Louis had accepted the challenge and this was only the start, He knew that the older boy was no longer simply his 'bestfriend' he was also his saviour and he was more than thankful for that. Hours passed and neither boy moved and instead basked in the warmth the other provided giving them a source of comfort that they weren't even aware they needed until they recieved it and that's how there night was spent, no questions, no talking, no interruptions, just them in a world of their own where nothing could hurt them.

 Weeks past and true to his word Louis stuck by the blonde boy through every problem he had no matter how big or small it was, they were now the most common shipped bromance within the band knocking Larry down to second and Niam to third but no one cared as they could see this close friendship forming between two boys who had never really been that close and truth be told it was beautiful, beautiful in the sense that they were both falling in love with eachother without noticing and never acted any different because of it, Most people would expect the others to jump in and begin meddling but this was different. They knew if they butted in they could ruin everything and that's the last thing they wanted to instead they all took a step back and left well alone.

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