Lirry Stayne; Our First Kiss Went A Little Like This.

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"THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT MANCHESTER!" Louis shouted out to the crowd of around 3,000 people before we all gave a final wave and headed off the stage and to the dressing room that was all set up and waiting for us and where everyones partners were waiting for them except for me.. I didn't have anyone because the person i wanted was taken.

 She gave him everything i could but i never allowed myself to think she may be able to give him more and decided that as long as i had faith then anything was possible and so far it had been working. I didn't realise i'd been so in thought that i only zoned back in when i felt Nialls hand on my shoulder telling me we were going. Everyone stood up to leave but he stayed behind to talk to me even motioning for his girlfriend Leah to go ahead and he never asks her to leave which meant he wasn't going to give up.

"Haz what's up?" He asked me with concern flowing through his voice.

"Nothing Ni, I'm fine" I told him placing on my face the best fake smile i could manage but it was clear from the humour in his eyes that he wasn't falling for it one bit.

"Fine, If you won't tell me then Louis won't pressure you enough, Zayn will make you join his mirror club all the girls will tell you to man up so that leaves.... LIAM! He's daddy direction so he'll get it out of you!" He shouted making my heartbeat increase and my eyes go wide. I opened my mouth to protest but it was too late and he was already on the way down the hall.

I was screwed.

The ride home wasn't as bad as i thought it would be and as predicted Liam told me he was going to have a word with me when we got home due to Nialls orders and everyone knew when Liam wants answers he has his ways of getting them which made me more nervous than ever and i wanted to kill that blonde leprechaun when i was out of this mess.

It was around another 2 hours later when we finally got home after dropping Zayn and Louis' girlfriends off home leaving Nialls and Liams to stay over at the house with us until around 12pm when the driver would come back for them and eventually drop them off back at their own homes and i knew that when they were gone it's be torture time.

Everyone sat around playing games and laughing at eachothers jokes and i could feel my heart hollowing out by the second as i ignored all of my surroundings and just stared at the rip in my jeans that had been caused by playing football yesterday with a very competetive Louis, I was snapped out of my daze when i heard Niall mention my name.

"You okay Haz?" Louis asked sounding concerned and i nodded my head letting out a fake yawn.

"Yeah, Just tired i think maybe a few hours of sleep will do me good before tomorrows show" I told them and thankfully this is the first lie that they all looked to believe so once i'd said my goodnights to everyone i walked up the stairs to my bedroom where i stripped into my boxers and placed my dirty clothes into the hamper and laying myself inbetween the sheets where i laid staring at the ceiling and eventually drifting off into a deep sleep... Or so i thought.

 I was aware that i'd been asleep a while but i wasn't sure how long when i heard my door opening but not knowing who it was i laid back onto the sheets pretending to be asleep but that all so familiar voice let me know that i may aswell give up because i was the worst actor to ever exist on the planet.

"I know your not asleep Haz"

"Actually i was until you came in"

"What's up with you Haz? These past few days you haven't been you and everyones worried"

"Nothing wrong with me Liam. Peoples moods change all the time so why's everyone suddenly intrested in mine because i change once?" I snapped my voice getting slightly higher than i'd wanted but he didn't seem to care and stayed still.

"Harry you can't lie and you know it so why even bother trying? And exactly you never change so something damn big must be getting to you for that to suddenly change" He responded and i fell quiet trying to think of something else to say.

"Do you know what it's like to love someone and for them not to love you back?" I asked him and his face filled with confusion until it hit him that i was telling him what was causing me to be sad.

"I wasn't sure if i loved them at the time but when i grew to know more about them then yeah i guess i did well do" He replied looking at the ground.

"Was that describing how you felt about Danii before you knew she liked you back and then you eventually got together?" I asked curiously and he blushed a colour i don't think i'd ever seen before.

"N- No, Actually it's quite recent actually, Well a few months if that counts as recent but i'm with Danii so i can't do anything" He explained and i felt a pang of hurt and jealousy flow through my body like poison in my veins.

"If you have to pick between the 2 Li, Go for the second because if you truly loved the first then you wouldn't have fallen for the seconds and if there's 3 then your screwed" I smiled before turning over facing towards the window thinking about what i'd just told him. I felt the bed rise and thought that he'd gone, Only seconds later it dipped down again and i felt someone snuggle into my chest with their arms around my waist.. It was Liam.

"Li what are you doing?" I asked quietly trying to surpress the yawn that was fighting to come out of my mouth and would possibly stop him from telling me what he was doing in my bed.

"What would you do if i told you that you were the other person and that i love you?" He asked looking anywhere but my face and i felt a smile tug at my lips.

"I'd tell you that i've been waiting to hear you say that for what seems like a lifetime and that i love you too" I replied with the biggest smile on my face before his face turned to a mixture of happy and shocked, In true Liam style i knew that he would try and say something about it but i didn't give him chance and instantly crashed my lips to his as i felt his smile into it.

 5 minutes later we finally broke apart both smiling, We'd both explored eachothers mouths, Battled for dominance, Bit eachothers lips and best of all enjoyed it, Now we led next to eachother looking into the others eyes before he finally spoke.

"You know it'd be a funny story to tell everyone about that first kiss so if anyone does ask our first kiss went a little like this..."

And then he gave me a demonstration.

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