Liam;Paige - Still The One (Part 1)

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Over the years it's become pretty much a fact that if a boy and a girl from different families grow up together from a very young age and become bestfriends they are bound to start dating one day or another. Growing up i never believed in that statistic because sure i was bestfriends with a boy who'd been my bestfriend pretty much since we were in diapers but i'd never thought about him in that way before.

 We went through nursery, primary school and even halfway through highschool before i started to notice my feelings begin to change towards him when i was 13 and he was 14. I don't know what started it but i began to notice all the small things about him like the way he bit his lip when he couldn't decide on something, or the way he'd glare at the nearest glass object when he was mad hoping he could make it move and smash like Matilda did. 

 It took exactly 2 months from us discovering our feelings towards one another to become a couple and our parents practically had a party at that but after a while everything died down and everyone supported us after they got over the intial shock of us not being 'just bestfriends' anymore and i'd never admit it but i was still coming to terms with it aswell.

 3 months after that everything changed for the first time as Liam went off to the X Factor, He rang me the second he was off stage telling me he hadn't made it and told me he'd stop by my house on his way home. We talked for hours that night and he even stayed over even though it was a school day the day after. It took a few weeks for the episode to air on millions of peoples televisions but when it did the attention Liam got was in some ways quite scary, Girls at school clung to him like he was glue, people were constantly dragging him away to be in their crowd whilst i was forgotten about somewhere way in the background.

 I didn't say anything about my feelings because as soon as they'd begun Liam pulled himself away from the popular crowd even though it was obvious he wanted to stay and came back to sit with me and our small group of friends, after a few days he got over not being with them anymore and i started to feel a little better about everything even though there was still a few girls who'd get his attention quicker than i could sometimes and that made me feel more insecure then i'd let on but he was mine so it didn't matter that much.

 2 Years later i was 15, Liam was 16 and had practised his backside off, perfecting every vocal until he couldn't anymore and something in me knew it was going to work out this time and when i got the phone call saying he hadn't got through as a solo artist but instead as a band with 4 other boys i was so proud that he'd achieved his dream, i just wasn't prepared for the changes that were set to come for dating a famous pop star.

 Within the first few weeks i'd met all the boys and they all seemed pretty nice, we got along like we'd known eachother for years and we practically became friends straight away... everything seemed perfect until management decided they didn't like me and that Liam needed a beard to hide me away from the public, i remember when he told me, he looked so broken that i hugged him and said it wasn't his fault, only when i spoke to the boys later on i found out he didn't even try and fight for us.. he WANTED to hide me.

 It took me 3 days to talk to him again after that and it was only because i'd been ignoring his phone calls since i found out and he claimed to have got worried so he came to my house from wherever the contestants we're staying for the competition, i told him the truth when he asked why and i think he instantly regretted coming over because he didn't want to explain and his excuse? "I can't say no to them, they can end me and the boys just as quick as they created us, i can't do that to them" 

 That was when i realised something was going to go horribly wrong, that was 3 years ago and i know now more than ever i was right once again, All this time he kept his beard not even considering us coming out to the world. At first i guess i kind of understood why he didn't want to say no but even the boys began questioning him about it, how is it that they could see it was tearing me apart but he couldn't?

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