Narry Storan; Breakeven.

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Niall Horan, Niall James Horan, Ni, Nialler. There are so many names i could use for that boy but i never thought 'cheat' or 'heartbreaker' would be some of them. I love him with all my heart and deep down i thought he loved me too... Well until i caught him making out with my cousin who also happens to be a boy. He tried to tell me that it meant nothing but that's what every cheat says and no matter how much i wanted to forgive him since he's done it once before i couldn't so doing the only thing i knew how i ran.

 It took me a while but i finally reached the place i'd been running to for the past 2 hours. The park where me and Niall had our first kiss and first said i love you. As much as it pained me to come here especially now and have the memory replay in my head i knew i had to do it since this would be the last time i'd come around this area. I walked over to the spot where it took place and sat down on the grass pulling my legs up to my body and let all the tears come streaming down my face and i'm pretty sure i niagra falls had a relocation for the next 30 minutes.

 Deciding it was time to go back i pulled out my phone seeing that it was nearly dead and sent Louis a text telling him where i was and if he could come pick me up, He didn't question me and just told me that he was on his way, Nobody was going to know about what i was planning not even my bestfriend so i was going to make this journey the best we ever had. Around 15 minutes later i spotted Louis' car pull up outside the gate so i quickly wiped my now tear dried eyes and headed for the vechile with a very happy looking boy inside.

"Hey Lou!" I smiled whilst hopping into the passenger seat and putting on my seatbelt whilst he pulled out into the road again.

"Hey Haz, How comes you were all the way out here?" He asked sounding kind of worried.

"Oh.. Erm.. Well" I started off but then it was like something ticked inside of him and he let out a gasp.

"Yeah don't answer that i know now, Sorry bud" He gave me a sympathetic smile and i gave him the best i could manage then thankfully he just let it slide and we just continued for the next few minutes in silence, So maybe this wasn't going to be the best car ride we ever had.

 20 minutes later and we pulled up outside the apartment i shared with Niall and i noticed how Louis kept glancing from me to the door then back again over and over until i finally spoke getting bored of his constant eye switching.

 "What's up Lou?" I asked trying not to sound annoyed and hopefully it was working

"Do you want me to come in with you Haz?" He asked looking worried and i shook my head telling him no.

"I'll be fine honest, If i need you i'll give you a call okay Boo?" I smiled and he nodded his head before i gave him a peck on the forehead and got out of the car heading through the front door where i could be about to see anything.

Niall's P.O.V.

 I was upstairs and had just come out of the shower when i saw Louis' car pull up infront of the apartment complex and then i saw Harrys bed of hair in the passenger window. They must have been talking about something because it took him a while before he finally got out of the car and headed for the door that would allow him into the building. It was then that i realised i was only in my boxers so in a mad dash i picked up some tracky bottoms with a baggy tshirt and hid in the bathtub hoping that when i came out he'd be gone and i wouldn't have to deal with the pain of hearing him say it was over and that he was leaving.

 It didn't take long for the front door to open then close and for some reason i expected to hear him call my name so he could yell at me about it.. But it never came. In fact no noise came at all and i had no idea what was going on instead i just curled myself up even tighter and decided not to move. The first sign of noise i heard was drawers moving in the bedroom and i knew he was packing his things up and that's when the first tear fell down my face followed by the next and before i knew it i was full on quiet sobbing.

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