Ziam Palik; Everythings Gunna Be Alright.

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42 days, 5 hours and 32 seconds.

That's how long it's been since he walked out of the front door claiming that he needed some space, He said he loved me and that he'd be back with in the next few days but days turned into weeks and then it changed to a month and he still never came back. Nobodys the same without him especially not the band. He may not have had many solos but he was an important part too and now there was always something missing with every show that we took part in. We were missing Zayn.

 Today was the day that we announced Zayn was no longer in the band since management were fuming about his disappearence so ripped up his contract which he'd never know about unless he decided to come back or watched this interview, I'd grown to accept the fact that he'd left because of me so started to forget about him and deleted everything to do with him.

 I was too busy in my thoughts that i didn't realise the lady who was interviewing us was now at the door telling us it was time to line up and get ready to go on stage which was infront of around 200 people and as soon as i saw everyones eyes on the couch where we'd be in only a matter of seconds the nerves definatly started to kick in especially since i'd be the one announcing Zayns leaving of the band.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. Your on" The director said and then right on cue we heard the presenter speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls i give you One Direction!" She smiled as we all started to walk on getting numerous cheers from the people in the audience as we sat on the couch and were hit by several questions over the next 10 minutes, Now came the moment i'd been dreading.

"Now i hear you 4 boys have got an announcement to tell everyone?" She asked and i nodded.

"The announcement is, Zayn Malik is no longer apart of One Direction. He's been away for some time now and management and us boys have decided it's best if he's no longer in the band, We're sorry to the directioners that wanted us to remain a 5 but we're now a 4. Thank you" I told everyone and it was safe to say my voice was about to fail me and the tears were going to start falling as everyone started to cry but one face stood out more than the others and he looked horrified, It was Zayn. He was back.

Zayns P.O.V.

No longer a part of One Direction? They've kicked me out? I know i was gone for a while but i had a good reason! Management had told me to take a break with my family for a while with the loss of a family member getting to me and making me lose my focus on shows and now they told them i was better off out of the band? This was all too much. I gave Liam a glare before pulling my hood up and walking out of the audience and onto some grass outside the studio where i broke down for the first time in 18 days and this time it was nothing to do with family.

 It was all quiet for a few minutes but then i heard that familiar voice calling my name and it took so much strength not to say something but i was too heartbroken so held my sobs in and didn't move an inch hoping he'd give up and go away. Unfortunatly he had other ideas and seconds later found me where he stood towering above my head thinking about what to do before hesitantly dropping down next to me and pulling me into one of the hugs that i loved so much.

"Where were you Zayn? Why come back now?" He asked curiously.

"I was away with family, Management sent me because of the death.. And stuff. That was the space i needed it was never to do with you Liam. They told me today was the day i'd come back at the interview but apparently it was all lies and it was a set up so that it'd make me think you guys had kicked me out." I sobbed quietly into his chest as he held me close to his chest.

"You know we'd never do that Zayn. We all agreed we'd carry on going until you decided to come back and then it'd be like you'd never gone but management didn't agree and told us you had to go. I didn't talk for days and the others weren't much better" He told me and it made my stomach fill with butterflies when he told me they were going to wait for me.

"I need to know Li, Did you find somebody else in the time i was gone?" I asked him looking down and he didn't say anything so i assumed that was a yes and got up starting to walk away.

Liams P.O.V.

I just told him i didn't speak for days because they were sending him away and now he wants to know if i found somebody else? Is this kid crazy?! Wait why am i saying all this stuff in my head? I noticed that he was now walking away due to my silence so the doing the only logic thing left to do i stood up and ran after him grabbing hold of his arm and turning him to face me.

"Zayn! How could you think i'd replace you in 42 days? It took me at least 15 to mourn over the fact you'd gone, 12 to be heartbroken everyday you didn't turn up to a show, 18 to think of ways i could get you back here before management ripped up your contract and i'm not sure how many days are left out of that but they were all spent missing you so the answer is no. I haven't found somebody else. Have you?" I asked him hoping the answer would be no.

"Don't be stupid Li" He laughed before crashing his lips to mine and i couldn't help but think about how much i'd missed him but now he was back we could fight for his place in One Direction. Together.

4 Weeks Later *******

We walked out onto the stage as a boyband with 5 members for the first time since Zayn had come back, After having a very stern word with management and Simon they admitted to tricking him into leaving which left Simon outraged and he fired them giving us a much nicer group instead that liked all of us which is the way it should have always been.

"Hello Manchester!" Harry shouted into the microphone and we were all greeted with cheers as the music began and the first song started to play.

From the moment I met you everything changed
I knew I had to get you whatever the pain
I had to take you and make you mine

I would walk through the desert I would walk down the aisle
I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile
Whatever it takes is fine

Oh oh oooh oh so put your hands up
Oh oh oooh oh coz it's a stand up
And I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart
Every piece of your heart

I know your hearts been broken but don't you give up
I'll be there yeah I know it to fix you with love
It hurts me to think that you've ever cried

Oh oh oooh oh so put your hands up
Oh oh oooh oh coz it's a stand up
And I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart
Every piece of your heart

Oh oh oooh oh so put your hands up
Oh oh oooh oh coz it's a stand up
And I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart

And now we'll steal us a car
And we will drive to the stars
I will give you the moon
It's the least I can do
If you give me the chance

Oh oh oooh oh so put your hands up
Oh oh oooh oh coz it's a stand up
I'm a thief, I'm a thief
You can call me a thief
I'm a thief, I'm a thief
But since you know your part
I'm a thief, I'm a thief
I'm only here
I'm a thief, I'm a thief
Because you stole my heart

(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief
So put your hands up
(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief,                                                                                                  Coz it's a stand up
And I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart
Coz you stole my heart

(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief, Call me a thief
(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief
Coz you know your part, (Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief
I'm only here
(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief, Because you stole my heart

When the song finished the crowd went wild at the sight of seeing the 5 of reuntied on the stage and it was in this moment with my bestfriends and my boyfriend that i knew everything was going to be alright.

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