Harry;Casey - Those 3 Words.

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I stood behind the red fabric curtain seperating me and the audience from eachothers view often daring to steal a glance out to the crowd and allow my eyes to search for the boy i was so desperate to see, He was the reason i signed up for this play and he was the reason i was going to use my voice for the first time in 5 years, You see i turned mute when i was 11 years old after witnessing something i should never have had to and even after meeting my bestfriend Harry Styles i still hadn't found the courage to speak.


I waited in line with my little sister Molly who was bouncing up and down on her spot getting excited about meeting One Direction and because none of her friends were old enough to go with her i was roped into it by my mum.  We were getting near the front and she was driving me insane so using my sign language i told her to pipe down.

"Shut up! I'm excited okay!" She practically screamed at me and her voice hurt me more than an 11 year olds should have but i had my reasons.

'Whatever' I signed back and she turned her back to me right until it was our turn to go up, Because she was under 14 they told me i was 'obliged' to go with her. I silently groaned but went up all the same where i was immediatly met with the green eyed brown haired boy himself.

"Hi, What's your name love?" He asked signing the picture i'd been handed by security and i just stood there looking awkward because he wouldn't understand sign.

"Are you shy?" He asked and i shook my head before pointing to my mouth and then making an 'x' with my fingers, At first he looked confused but then his face lit up.

"Your mute?" He asked and i nodded.

That day i stayed a lot later at that signing then i should have but by the end of it i had 4 new friends, 1 bestfriend.... And a very angry sister

*End Of Flashback*

 I'd been stuck in my daydream so long that i didn't even realise that the narrator was out on the stage introducing the play and the minute countdown clock that was hanging from the wall had started and that's when i spotted him sat right in the middle with a content look  on his face watching the stage waiting for the moment i went out.

"3..2..1.." The teacher stood by my side counted down before pointing to the stage where i waltzed on as Belle and got into the role of my character preparing for the moment when i would have to speak. As the lines flowed out of my mouth i found my eyes still glued to the one persons reaction that actually mattered and i saw him sat with his mouth wide open and eyes looking a little glassy, Little did he know that in around 30 minutes he'd be hearing my voice in a completely different way.

 As time ticked on i became more and more nervous but it turns out that the more i worried the quicker time decided to pass and now it was time, Looking out at the crowd one more time the cue started and my voice escaped my lips .

There's something sweet

And almost kind                                                                                                                                     But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined

And now he's dear

And so I'm sure

I wonder why I didn't see it there before

(Beast) She glanced this way

I thought I saw

And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw

No it can't be

I'll just ignore

But then she's never looked at me that way before

New and a bit alarming

Who'd have ever thought that this could be?

True that he's no Prince Charming

 But there's something in him that I simply didn't see

As the music stopped and the rest of the play continued i looked at the boy who had a look of shock written across his face and i'm pretty sure i saw a tear stroll down his face and in that moment i knew that all the effort i'd put in to just being able to get one word out never mind singing was all worth it because he was proud of me and that meant more to me than anything in the world.

 After an hour and a half the play was finally finished and Beauty And The Beast was over. It ffelt like i'd never stopped talking at all and now i realised just how much i'd missed out on by stopping in the first place.

 As i came out from backstage and made my way out to where the audience were seated my eyes for the millionth time found the definition of perfection stood right infront of me knowing that as soon as his eyes found me he wouldn't be thinking the same thing i'd always just be 'his bestfriend' like he'd said so many times before, I sighed to myself before re applying my smile like make up and heading towards him.

 It didn't take long for him to hear me approaching and the smile on his face continued to grow as we kept becoming ever closer in distance until it seemed he couldn't take it anymore and practically charged at me eloping me in the biggest hug he could imagine.

"You talked! Like full on talked, Then OMG you sang! You were amazing! I can't believe it, You have a beautiful voice!" He rambled on and on then a small chuckle escaped my lips which made him stop talking and blush a dark shade of pink and look down.

 I re assured him that his rambing was cute but sadly i had to go say goodbye to a friend i'd made from the play and left him stood there for around 5 minutes but when i came back it was different, His arms were behind his back and his face looked almost nervous? As i finally reached him i decided to just ask.

"Harry what's behind your back?" I said and he just continued to smile with the nervousness shining right through.

"Erm well, promise you won't hate me?" He asked biting on his bottom lip and i nodded my head in response.

"I've been saving this for the moment i knew you could reply with your voice so here it goes" He told me whilst handing over the flowers which were red roses and sitting on top in a little envelope was a card that read.

'I love you'

The smile on my face grew even wider as i read it over and over again.

"Why would i hate you for this? It only made me love you more!" I beamed and that was all it took for me to feel his lips on mine. Deciding to speak again was the best decision i ever made.

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