Niall;Sofie - Home

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Walking through the tunnel onto the plane my heartbeat picked up dramatically and even more so as the air hostess led me through the plane into first class making sure I got to my seat alright. Once I was alone my hands began shaking at the thought of having to endure a flight on my own and I was petrified to start even if it was for the best cause I could possibly think of.

As people began talking amongst themselves the safety warning began playing but all I did was keep my gaze locked on the view outside telling myself to remain calm and that in a matter of 12 hours I’d be touching down in New York to see Niall again and I’d be staying with him for the next 4 months whilst the tour finishes.

Finally the warning finishes and the plane begins to advance down the runway leaving me clutching onto the arm rests. Deciding to try and distract myself i pulled the ipod touch he’d given me for my birthday earlier this year from my bag and put on the playlist that was specially created for us on allowing it to soothe me into a deep sleep where the different scenarios of this plan began playing in my head.

Around 4 hours into the flight my music cut off in place for the annoying ringtone that told me i was receiving a face time call, letting out a tired groan i looked down at the screen to see the name Nialler<3 in a banner across the top and my heartbeat immediately picked up again at the thought of him realising I was on a plane,

Reluctantly I pressed the accept button then seconds later a very smiley boy appeared in front of the camera with 4 wary looking boys behind him as they know where I am and they too shared the thought that he was going to suss me out.

We greeted each other in our normal way and carried on talking for around half an hour with him being totally oblivious to the noise around me and the headrest that even I could see had a company logo on it but at the same time I didn’t question at it because then he’d know for sure.

Just when we were about to change the subject an announcement began playing and I’d never pressed the mute button faster in my life as I could hear him asking the other boys what was going on but they all denied any knowledge, after around 3 minutes it finally finished and I un muted myself

“Hey babe, I’ve got to go that was the answering machine and I’m needed in the office for a party Miranda’s hosting and I totally forgot. I’ll ring you when I get home okay so you better wait up I love you” I told him and I saw his face drop a little but he recovered fairly quickly before speaking.

“Okay, have fun and I will do. I love you too” And with that I hung up and placed my music back on leaning my seat into a laying down position quickly sending a text to the boys thanking them for their help before I closed my eyes and dozed off once again staying asleep for the rest of the flight.

“Excuse me miss we’ve landed in New York” I heard the air hostess say as she gently shook me awake from my slumber and gave me a friendly smile, thanked her and collected my belongings before exiting the plane like the rest of the passengers.

Making my way through the airport whilst on my way to luggage claim a few teenage girls began recognising me and asking for pictures which I happily gave them before asking them not to be posted until tomorrow since I was on my way to surprise Niall after 2 months of planning and I was thankful when they agreed before leaving.

Thankfully it didn’t take me long to collect my suitcases and head out of the main doors where i was immediately greeted by the sight of Paul leant up against his car until he saw me heading towards him to which he instantly jumped up and grabbed my things putting them in the boot and climbing in the drivers seat next to me.

As we drove to the hotel so I could drop my bags off before joining the boys off at the arena all he did was explain his happiness over my plan as he’d been one of the people to see Niall depressed everyday and now the Irishman would finally be smiling again, of course he also added in at the end that he was happy I was here too because we were friends but then the blonde haired lad would always pop up in his next sentence.

20 minutes of excitement later we pulled up outside the hotel and I was instructed to stay in the car as he ran my things up to the room and making it back down in 7 minutes flat, He was immediately back on the road before i even had time to ask him if he’d done everything he needed to do before concert so I decided to leave it as we just listened to the radio for the next 10 minutes journey as we arrived at the already packed stadium.

When I walked in I was guided to a room away from the boys and told to wait there until I was collected and placed somewhere in the crowd with a microphone. The minutes began to drop and the butterflies in my stomach released themselves as my nerves began to kick in nearly over taking the amount of excitement I felt so before I could talk myself out of it I made a quick dash to the backstage and found Harry telling him I was going out and to let the producers know.

The screams suddenly became louder once I’d left the safety of backstage and I almost had to cover my ears so that I didn’t become deaf whilst I continued to walk forward eventually making it to my seat in the middle of the floor crowd, microphone in hand and tweet sent in ready for when the show began.


“Everybody give it up for One Direction!” The speaker sounded across the arena as the whole crowd began screaming nearly being oblivious to how the boys had broke out into What Makes You Beautiful before going on to perform Stand Up, Gotta Be You, One Thing, Torn, Tell Me A Lie, I Wish, Moments and then it was time for the tweets and I just about noticed how the light turned green on my microphone signalling i was free to speak when needed to.

As Liam read the first tweet everyones eyes turned to the big screen whilst all the boys answered ‘Whats the best thing about being on tour’ which took around 2 minutes since Louis and Harry began going into a Larry moment then everyones eyes returned to the screen where my tweet showed up.


I could see on the boys faces they were desperately trying not to laugh and the audience also found it funny since I’d used a different twitter name and only a handful of people noticed I was sat in the seat it was sent from but thankfully they didn’t scream and tell him as he began replying.

“Thanks for the compliment love but I can’t as I have an amazing girlfriend back home called Sofie that I love dearly and she’s my number one fan, but i love you too and everyone else here tonight” He smiled out into the crowd as he didn’t know where the seat was.

“That’s a real shame because I was going to take you to nando’s but if you don’t want to then fine & that’s right babe I’m your number one fan forever and always” I beamed watching as a spotlight began to shine down on me and his face turned to a look of confusion then pure joy as he jumped from the stage and headed towards me at top speed once I’d made it to the aisle.

“SOFIE!! Your meant to be home at a party?! How'd you get here! I'm so glad to see you, I've missed you so much, I love you” He rushed out so quickly that I barely caught on what he was saying so I just giggled slightly before pressing a deep kiss to his lips and pulling back.

“Your better then any party Nialler you should know that, & i'll tell you everything after you get back up on that stage and finish this concert, I've missed you too and i love you” I replied giving him yet another kiss as I pushed him away and back down the aisle just catching him mouth ‘I love you’ before he appeared back on the stage delivering the rest of an amazing concert.

Before they had chance to begin anything else i quickly raised the microphone to my lips and added something else.

"Oh and Niall? To me where ever you are is my home, never forget that"

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