Chapter 33: Quick Healing and Unexpected Surprises

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I sat, stunned, as what Aviana told me sunk in.

"Does Blaise know where he is moving to?" Aviana asked.

"He said that him and Blaise were looking around and found one in Little Hangleton, Manchester, and Bristol. He never said which one he was getting specifically, just that there were houses in those three places that he was looking at." I answered blankly.

"Hermione, don't blame yourself." Ginny said while wrapping her arms around my shoulders and squeezing me lightly before letting go.

"It's not that I am, I'm just shocked is all." I said.

There was a moment of silence when a healer walked in with a smile on her face. "Ms. Granger, I was just wanting to let you know that we are going to run one more test just to make sure that everything is just like it was in our last test results, then you will be free to go."

"Really?" Aviana asked happily. Ginny smiled widely and I just sat there with a smile on my face.

"Yeah we will just need for an adult to come sign her release papers and then she can leave." The healer smiled.

Ginny squealed in delight as Aviana and I laughed at her enthusiasm.

The healer called for one of her co-workers and they began setting up the room for the last test. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as they worked and talked to each other.

Aviana and Ginny were asked to leave the room so they could work. Once they were gone, I sat up on the edge of my bed and held out my arm for the healer to unbandage and examine it.

The bandages were discarded and revealed a white line where the scar was.

The healer's eyes widened in shock as she told her co-worker to go get someone. Not five minutes later, another healer was in the room and waving his wand over my scar.

I watched in confusion as he muttered some complicated spells under his breath. When he finished, he conjured up a vial and told me to look away and count to three.

I did as he said and flinched a little when I felt a prick in my finger. I looked back to see him putting a drop of my blood in the vial. He turned to one of the other healers and said something while handing her the vial. She nodded and took off with her co-worker following.

The male healer in front of me offered a small smile before leaving the room and allowing Ginny and Aviana to come back in.

"What happened?" Ginny asked. "The heales raced out of the room like you were dying again or something."

We laughed at her joke before calming down and I started talking.

"To be honest, I have no idea. When they unwrapped my arm, there was hardly anything there. Yesterday when they looked at it, it was a raw pink color, and today there is just a scar." I said, holding out my arm to show them.

They looked just as confused as I did when I started talking again. "The male healer told me to look away and count to three when he pricked my finger and put some of my blood in a vial, handed it to one of the female healers, and told her to take it somewhere."

There was silence as Aviana and Ginny took in what I told them. After a few minutes Aviana asked me a question that caught me off guard.

"When did Draco get stabbed in the stomach by our father?" She asked.

I looked at her in confusion before answering. "I think it was a day or two before you arrived. Why?" I asked.

She thought about this for a second before saying that she will be back and left the room. Me and Ginny looked at each other and shrugged at her sudden disappearance.

Not ten minutes later, she came back with a few pictures in hand.

"Ok, hear me out before you say anything." We nodded and she continued talking. "You said Draco got stabbed a day or two before I got here, so that would have been about a week and a half ago. You got your injury a little less than a week ago. Usually, a muggle-born would take about a month for an injury like yours to scar because they are born from two muggles and have no direct relation to someone with magic running through their veins. A half blood, maybe half a month because they are directly from a wizard, therefore has some direct magic running in their veins. But a pureblood, because of their direct relation with two pureblood wizard parents, it takes maybe a week or two to scar. All of this comes down to the amount of magic and how powerful they are. I was able to get some pictures from my mother of Draco's injury right after it happened and over the next few days. The day it happened, it looks like any other person's wound would. Two days later, the swelling was going down and it was just raw and pink around the main part of the wound. The day after that, his wound was mainly just a scar. She went in the next day and there was barely anything there. It was so faint that, unless you knew it was there, you wouldn't know where to look or that he even had it." She showed us pictures of Draco's as she explained this to us. "When you told me what happened to you, I started thinking that if you were a true muggle-born, then you wouldn't have healed this fast considering how deep the wound was and how long you have been in the hospital. There is a possibility that you could be a half blood but, like I said earlier, they don't heal this fast. The only possible explanation is that you are a pureblood. Now, if this is true, the only thing we would need to know, is who your real parents are."

When Aviana was done talking me and Ginny were open mouthed and wide eyed at her explanation.

"I can't be a pure-blood though. There is absolutely no way. I was raised by muggles. I have a muggle family. I didn't start showing signs of being a witch until I was eight. Pure-bloods start showing their magic when they are four or five." I said.

"Not all of them show at that early of an age Hermione." Ginny said. "I didn't start showing until I was seven."

I just sat in silence and thought all of this over. I was about to speak again when the healer that began my test walked back in with a file in her hands.

"Ms. Granger, this may be strange for you to hear, and I don't think you want me to drag this out so I will make it quick. You aren't a muggle-born and never were. You are actually the youngest child and the twin sister of one of the sacred twenty-eight families." She said.

"Which family is that?" Ginny asked almost hesitantly.

"I don't think you will be disappointed considering you went to school with this person." She smiled slightly.

I nodded and looked at her expectantly.

She sighed before answering. "You are the younger twin of Neville Longbottom."

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