Chapter 25: Memories

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As soon as Aviana had said that Hermione was bleeding again I was gone. I had just reached her room when they closed the door. I went to the window and seen them surrounding her bed. One of them leaned down and listened for a heartbeat.

"Don't leave me Hermione! Please don't leave me!" I screamed through the window. After a few minutes, the head healer walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Walking over to me she sighed. "Mr. Malfoy, I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Ms. Granger has flatlined."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"She's gone." The healer replied regretfully.

I shook my head. "No. She can't be. They said she could come home later. They said I could take her home in a few hours." I yelled.

"I am truly sorry Mr. Malfoy." She said one last time before walking away.

My knees gave out and I collapsed right there in the hallway. Sobs racked my body as I cried.

Everything was muffled and blurred. An arm wrapped around my shoulders. I leaned into the person's embraced and wrapped my arms around their waist.

I heard a cry from in front of me and found that it was Ginny. Blaise was holding her as she cried. Leading her away, Blaise apparated Ginny out of the hospital.

"Let's go home Draco." My sisters soft voice whispered into my ear.

Tightening my grip around her waist I braced myself for apparation. When we landed, I stayed in the floor.

She was gone. My light in darkness was gone. I was never going to wake up and see her face again. Her bright smile and warm laugh. The twinkle she gets in her eye when she talks about something she loves. The slight dimples in her cheeks when she smiles. Her soft chocolate brown eyes. Everything I have ever come to love was gone.

After a few hours of comforting me, Aviana said that she was going to go tell mother the news.

I lay on the floor of my bedroom and cried myself to sleep, not having the energy to stand up and climb into bed.


Three days.

That's how long it's been since she left. That is how long it's been since I last ate anything. That's how long it's been since I have spoken.

I haven't moved from the position Aviana left me in when we got back to the house.

Moving to sit up I leaned up against my bed and pulled my knees up to me chest. Wrapping my arms around my legs I rested my forehead on my knees.

The door opened and I could feel the presence of a person beside me.

"I should've told her sooner." I whispered. "Instead I was being selfish and it took her ending up in the hospital for me to realize it."

"Draco, it is not your fault." She began.

"Yes it is my fault. Instead of allowing her to talk whenever she wanted to I was forcing her to. I didn't give her a choice in the matter and because of that she is never going to be able to hear my apology." I snapped.

"Just know that you can talk to me about anything whenever you need." With that, she got up and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Forcing myself to stand up I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. "It's all my fault." I glared at myself in the mirror before meeting the mirror with my fist. It shattered from the impact. I leaned in the sink with both hands and sighed. Looking around I picked up a particularly big peice of glass and ran my pointer finger over the edges. With a frustrated yell I hurled the glass at the wall.

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