Chapter 53: Guilt

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Three times? When was I gone long enough for him to finish three times and her still have time to clean up before I got back?

When I got my last answer, I snatched the wand off the nightstand and apparated. When my feet hit the ground, I was standing in front of three people from the ministry. Ignoring them, I stormed into the drawing room to find him in the same place and position as when I left him. Kingsley and some ministry member I didn't know the name of were standing by the fireplace, which was to the left side of the man I used to call my father.

Without saying a thing to them, I went to Lucius and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulled him up to meet me, and punched him right in the jaw. I punched him again and again and again. I felt a pair of hands grab either one of my arms and start dragging me away from him.

Before they dragged me too far, I aimed a kick for his soft spot and landed it successfully.

"MAYBE THAT WILL TEACH YOU NOT TO RAPE DEFENSELESS GIRLS YOU BASTARD!" I screamed as the two men shoved me into a chair and bound me with ropes so it was harder for me to move.

Kingsley was talking to me, trying to pull my attention away from the bleeding man on the floor. Irritated at my stubbornness and not wanting to listen, Kingsley gripped my jaw and forced me to look at him.

"Malfoy, I demand you to calm down now and explain to me why you thought it necessary to come in here and beat your father."

"He is no father of mine." I growled before pulling my head out of his grasp.

"Why were your actions necessary?" He asked.

"I don't know, ask him what he did to Hermione." I snapped before glaring in the direction of the monster.

"He is unable to speak because you broke his jaw Mr. Malfoy." The other ministry man said.

"He. Raped. A. Defenseless. Girl." I enunciated every word clearly, each word dripping with venom.

"You are going to have to elaborate. Anyone could give me that reason just to get someone framed." Kingsley stated. With an irritated sigh, I began to explain what had happened.

"This morning, he went onto his own daughter and began stripping her while she was completely defenseless. When I got him off, I took my sister back to my house and then went to talk to my fiance about what had happened because she had seen it all. Then, she told me that, about four or five years ago, he came onto her and took what he wanted. She said that he finished three times before pulling out and leaving her."

Muffled grunts came from the man on the floor as he attempted to deny what I had just said.

"Don't try to defend yourself." I snapped. "Mother is even scared of you."

Kingsley and the other man exchanged a glance before he began speaking again. "Mr. Malfoy, we are going to have to take him in for questioning. If he says something different, I am going to have to speak with your sister and fiance."

With a wave of his wand, my binds were off and Kingsley had a hold of my arm. "Let's get you out of here before you kill him." Leading me out of the house, he walked me all the way to the gate before letting me go. "Go home and get some rest. You need it." I just watched as he turned to walk away before talking over his shoulder. "Congratulations on the engagement."

I nodded slightly even though he couldn't see me before apparating back to the house.

I landed on the front porch and stared at the door for a few minutes before turning around and moving to sit on the front steps. I put my head in my hands and took a deep breath to prevent myself from crying out in anger and guilt.

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