Chapter 7: Flashbacks

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Once Malfoy left the room I slid off the bed and onto the floor. My legs just weren't strong enough to hold me anymore. I was a weak, pathetic, and filthy excuse for a witch. I let everything get to me. I was scared of everything.

When the door opened again I jumped from my position on the floor and used the bed to pull myself off the ground and into a standing position. Let's just say that wasn't the smartest thing to do.

As soon as all my weight was on my feet I started getting dizzy. My knees buckled. The last thing I remember seeing was Malfoy coming towards me.

Then everything went black.


You can't run forever mudblood." The witch cackled from behind me. "You are weak. If you take another step you are sure to collapse."

As if she could see into the future I collapsed. I met the ground and didn't move again.

When I opened my eyes, I seen bars all around me. I lurched into a sitting position and looked around. I was back in Alcatraz. But was this really Alcatraz? The floor I was laying on was cushioned. The floors in Alcatraz weren't cushioned.

"CRUCIO!" Someone yelled off to my left. The air was filled with an agonizing scream. My scream.

I writhed in pain on the floor. I heard someone hollering my name in the distance but it sounded so far away. Like I was in another world. An alternate universe.

"HERMIONE!" The voice yelled again.

Someone started shaking my shoulders and kept calling my name. I jerked awake and seen a pair of grey eyes looking into mine.

On reflex, I jerked away and started hitting his chest as much as I could. He grabbed my wrists and held them firmly.

"Hermione calm down. It's going to be okay. Nobody is torturing you. You're safe." He whispered calmly.

I quit struggling against his grip and started crying. I pulled my arms away from him and wrapped them around myself. He probably thought I was pathetic. I sat there and cried for a few minutes before catching my breath and looked at the bed.

We didn't say anything for a while. He got up from the bed and walked towards his desk and grabbed a quill, ink, and a piece of parchment and came back to the bed. He sat back down in front of me and put the parchment, quill, and ink in front of me and sighed.

"I want you to write down everything the people at Alcatraz has done to you on this piece of parchment." He spoke. "I want you to give it to me when you are finished. Do you understand?"

I nodded and flinched when he stood up and walked out of the room only to reenter a minute later with a brush in one hand and his wand in the other. After closing the door, he picked a bag up from the floor and set it on the bed before climbing onto the bed himself. He positioned himself behind me with one leg dangling off and the other curled up in front of him against my back.

He set the bag in front of me and opened it so I could see what was inside. He moved his hand which brushed my hand slightly causing me to pull back and bump into his chest. I then jumped off the bed and cowered in a corner.

Malfoy got off the bed and walked towards me slowly his hands at his sides. "It's ok Hermione. I'm not going to hurt you."

When he reached me, he knelt down with one knee on the ground and his elbows resting on the other. He just looked at me for a minute before speaking. "Come back to the bed. You don't have to talk, I just want you to write it down and eat something. Do you understand?" He asked softly.

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