Chapter 56: In Two Weeks

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The rest of the day passed pretty smoothly, as did the rest of the month. We were now entering the month of April and one of the first months of spring.

Aviana and mother moved back to the Manor a little less than three weeks ago to start moving the idiot's belongings out. They were much happier now and I was happy for them as well. They were delighted to find that they could now live safely as well as being filled with joy for Hermione and I's wedding.

Everything for the wedding was finally planned and decided, we just had to send out the invitations and finish a few last minute tasks. I looked over at Hermione who was looking over the guest list one more time before we sent it to get the cards made.

"Unless you want any last minute guests added then we are ready to send it." She sighed and sat beck in her chair.

I shook my head. "No, I'm good."

She nodded before going to give it to her owl Layla.

When she got back, she cleaned up her things and took them back to the study. I stood up and walked into the living room to sit in the chair in front of the fireplace. I heard footsteps and turned to see Hermoine walking towards me with a tired look on her face.

I held out my arm and she walked into it so I could pull her gently onto my lap. She sat sideways between my legs with her feet hanging over the armrest. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and clasped my fingers together so I could hold onto her better. She snuggled into my chest and rested her head on my shoulder before closing her eyes.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." She replied as a small smile graced her lips.

I gave her a kiss on the forehead before squeezing her slightly. She shifted once more before falling still. Her breathing became softer and more even. A few minutes of nothing told me that she had fallen asleep. I lay my cheek on her head and took a deep breath before closing my eyes as well.

In two weeks, we will be getting married.

I smiled at the thought before drifting off to sleep as well.


"Master. Master, someone is at the door. Does Dobby let them in? Master."

I was woken up by a small hand tapping my arm softly and whispering. I saw Dobby standing by the chair looking at me with his big green eyes.

"Who's at the door Dobby?" I asked.

"Dobby does not know sir. Dobby heard the knocking and came to wake master up first sir." The elf responded.

"Ok, go see who it is and come back and tell me who it is." The elf nodded vigorously before rushing off.

I shifted and caused Hermione to groan in protest.

"Baby, someone is at the door." I said.

She shook her head and buried her face in the crook of my neck. I chuckled softly before standing up with her in my arms. I turned and set her back on the chair before putting a blanket on her so she didn't feel the need to get up and come with me.

I quietly walked out of the room and closed the door so that whoever was visiting wouldn't see her. Dobby was coming back from the door when I turned around.

"Master, it is Wheezy. He has come to visit Ms. Granger." He said.

"Wheezy?" I asked.

"Yes sir. Wheezy has come to see Ms. Granger. Shall Dobby go get her?"

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