Chapter 16: Starting Over

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When we landed back at the house Draco led me up the stairs and gave me a pair of clothes to change into after my shower. Leaving his room I went to the bathroom on the opposite side of my room.

I entered and closed the door behind me. Setting my clothes on the counter I ran the bath water and undressed. After washing my hair and body I climbed out and pulled on the clothes Draco gave me which consisted of one of his t-shirts and a pair of shorts he bought me in Diagon Alley.

I was about to leave the bathroom when I heard the front door slam. Walking to the window I looked out to see Draco's parents. Narcissa was trailing after Lucius while yelling at him. Lucius whipped around and back hand slapped her across the face. The impact caught her off guard and she hit the ground.

He started yelling at her, insulting her, and threatening her. She was back on her feet and yelled back at him. He raised his hand to hit her again but Draco, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, jumped in front of her and got hit instead.

Lucius stared at his son in disbelief. With one striking motion Draco was on his knees with his hands on his stomach.Lucius was drawing his fist back to him as he watched in satisfaction. The sun caught something in his hand. That was when I realized that Lucius had a small carving knife in his hand, barely visible.

He said something to Draco before punching him in the face and apparating away. Draco fell sideways and was laying on his side with his back towards me.

I raced down the stairs and out the front door. When I reached Draco and his mother I stopped.

There was a small pool of blood by Draco's form.

Narcissa looked at me with a pleading look in her eyes. "Please help me." She said.

I nodded and crouched down next to her and Draco.

"Draco, let me see." She said. Reaching forward to try and move his hands from his stomach. He just brought his knees up and tensed up.

She looked at me with a sad look in her eyes. With slight hesitation I spoke.

"Draco, move your hands." He shook his head stubbornly and remained motionless. "Draco move your hands." I demanded.

His body relaxed and he moved just enough to lay in his back. His hands were still placed over the wound. Putting one of my hands on his I squeezed it reassuringly before lifting it off his stomach to reveal the wound.

The wound wasn't very big but it looked terrible. With as small as the knife was, Lucius had to of twisted it or moved it in a way that made it bigger than what that size blade would have done.

Lifting up his shirt I used a few spells to clean the wound as well as I could before conjuring up some bandages, a needle, some thread, and two different potions with Narcissa's wand.

"Here, take this." I said. He eyed the potion with uncertainty. "It is a pain reliever."

He sighed before, with help from his mother, lifted his head up enough to take it.

Grimacing from the taste he lay his head back on the ground and watched me.

I picked up the other potion and opened it. With my pointer and middle fingers I scooped up a little bit of it and applied it to the edges of the wound.

He sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. When I finished I looked up at Narcissa.

Without saying anything she nodded and grabbed Draco's hand.

Once I threaded the needle I took a deep breath before beginning to sew up Draco's stomach.

He tensed up once again which made it harder to do what was needed.

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