Chapter 28: Visiting a "Deceased" Friend

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I was ecstatic. My best friend is still alive.

"Let's go visit her." I say happily.

"Ginny, calm down." Aviana said with a smile on her face. "Let's give her the day to rest and we can go visit her tomorrow."

"But I wanna see her now." I whined.

"We can go first thing in the morning." The blonde chuckled lightly.

I frown playfully before giving in. "Fine."

"Good, now let's go down and get a snack."

"Ok." I chirp happily.

We leave her room and head towards the kitchens when laughter filled the hall.

Aviana's eyes widened happily. "Draco's in there." She says before rushing into the kitchen.

I walked in after her and saw that he was, in fact, in there. Blaise seemed to have gotten his job done as well. The blonde Slytherin's hair was damp and he was holding a green apple in his left hand.

Aviana was wrapping him up in a hug in no time at all. He hugged her back with a smile.

"I'm sorry Aviana." He whispered.

"It's ok, but you better talk to me next time something like this happens. Don't shut me out. Do you understand?" She asks.

"I promise that I won't do that again." He smiled at his sister before hugging her once more and looking at me.

He opened his arms and gestured me in for a hug. I smiled and walked into his embrace. His arms enveloped me as I wrapped mine around his waist.

"How have you been doing?" He asked.

"I'm doing better." I reply before pulling away and moving to stand beside Blaise who wrapped his arm around my waist.

The twins looked at us with a questioning expression. Ne and Blaise looked at each other with the same expression before bursting into laughter.

"Are you two ok?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, we're fine, are you two ok?" Blaise asked.

Neither one of them answered, just looked at each other with mixed expressions.

"To answer your unasked question, yes, we are together and have been for a few weeks." I smiled at Blaise who, in return, kissed my temple.

The room was silent for a while until Mrs. Malfoy entered the room with a bright smile on her face.

"I have some fantastic news." She announced.

Me and Aviana looked at each other with worried expressions.

"I have just received word from Professor McGonagall telling me that she would be glad to take Teddy as her own." She smiled.

Me and Aviana let out the breath we were holding.

"That's great mother." Draco spoke first.

"Why aren't you keeping him?" Blaise asked.

"Believe me when I say that I would love to keep my nephew here with us, but with Lucius acting the way he is, I wouldn't want him to hurt him the way he hurt you." She explained.

With one last smile, she turned around and left the room. Me and Aviana shared a look before turning to the boys.

After a moment of silence, Aviana spoke. "Blaise, would it be ok if I stole your girlfriend tomorrow?"

"What for?" He asked.

"Just to get out of the house and do girl stuff." The blonde shrugged.

"As long as you have her back by noon. Mother wants to have lunch with the two of us." He replied while taking a sip of fire whiskey.

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