Chapter 37: A New Plan

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"Wait, so you're saying that Hermione was declared dead then somehow came back to life and was in a coma for a few days?" I asked.

"Yes, that is exactly what we are saying." Aviana said.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Does Draco know?"

"Not yet." Ginny answered. "But we are wanting to surprise him. He said he is moving into one of the houses he was looking at but he never told us which one it was."

"He said he wasn't going to move in until after his birthday." I said looking back up at the two girls in shock.

"That may be what he said, but he said he couldn't stand being at the Manor any longer because it holds to many memories of Hermione." Aviana said.

"Did he tell you where he was moving to?"

"No, but Hermione gave us the names of the towns he was looking for houses in." Ginny said.

"Ok, when do you plan on telling him that she is alive and not dead? Also, how are you going to keep him from killing you guys because you are keeping this from him?" I questioned the two girls who just looked at each other and gave a slight smile before looking back at me.

"We were planning on using that secret room in the Malfoy garden that you no doubt know about, and finding a way to get him down there only to see Hermione. As for keeping him from killing us, we have Hermione for that. You know as well as we do that he will do anything she asks him to no matter how much he will try and deny it." Aviana explained.

I just let out a breathy chuckle. "Remind me never to make either one of you mad. I know Ginny when she gets mad and it is not pretty. As for you, you are a Malfoy. There is no other explanation for that one."

The girls just laughed. After a minute, Ginny began asking me if I would like to be a part of a new plan she had come up with. When she finished explaining it to me and Aviana, we both agreed with a smile before going back into the house to tell Theo, Neville, and Hermione the new plan.

What we didn't expect to see was Theo's mother in the middle of scolding Theo for having guests over without permission.

Ginny, Aviana, and I stood in the doorway and watched with amused expressions as Theo talked to his mother and tried to reason out the situation with her. The only thing is, Theo's mother is more stubborn than Draco when he is in one of his moods.

With a sigh, I decided to jump in before they started yelling.

"Hello Mrs. Nott." I greeted with a smile and open arms.

She turned around and her face turned from one of frustration to one of happiness. "Blaise darling, how have you been? It has been forever." She pulled me into a hug before resting her hands on my shoulders. and looking me up and down to see how much I have changed.

"I have been doing pretty well. What about you?" I smiled wider.

"Oh, just brilliant." She answered before looking behind me. Her expression then changed from happy to shocked. "Is that who I think it is?"

I turned around to see who she was looking at. I smiled when I noticed her looking at Aviana. "Yes, that is Draco's sister Aviana."

"It's nice to see you again Mrs. Nott." The blonde smiled.

That was when Theo's mother walked over to Aviana and pulled her into a hug before walking circles around her to get a good look at the young woman. She messed with her hair a little bit before pulling her into another hug.

That's when I thought about it. Why do girls mess with other people's hair when seeing them again after a long time? I am going to have to ask Ginny about it later.

Once Mrs. Nott was satisfied with the greeting, she left the room and left us alone once again. We all stood in silence for a minute before we just started laughing for absolutely no reason at all.

Once we calmed down and sat down on the couches, Ginny explained her new plan to the rest of the group.

After a few questions were asked, everyone agreed with her.

That was when we picked people for certain roles in our plan. When that was completed, we decided we would begin to execute the plan the next day.

Once that was done, we just goofed off and hung out for a few hours before Mrs. Nott entered the room again and said that we should start heading home.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I had a lot of fun." Hermione said to everyone while she stood up and stretched.

We all agreed while giving hugs and saying our goodbyes.

"Oh, Blaise, Hermione is going to have to stay with us for a while because we can't risk her being seen by Draco at the Malfoy Manor." Ginny said.

"That's okay with me. And you know mother, she will love to have another girl in the house." Ginny laughed while grabbing her friend's hand before grabbing mine.

I smiled at her before apparating back to the Zabini Manor.

Once we landed, Ginny said she was going to help Hermione get the bath started and get her some extra clothes before the two ran off to Ginny's old room.

I just chuckled at the two girls before going into the kitchen and fixing myself a little something to eat before going up to take a shower.

When I finished, I got dressed and sat at my desk to begin the first part of Ginny's plan.

I must have started dozing off because I felt a hand on my shoulder before hearing Ginny's voice in my ear. "Hey, don't you think it would be a little more comfortable in the bed and not a desk chair."

I chuckled sleepily before looking back down at the letter I was writing before. "Do you think this will work?" I asked the red head behind me.

After reading over the letter she smiled and put the Zabini crest on it to seal it up. "It's just fine." She said before taking it over to Grey, my barn owl, to send it to Draco.

"Now, how about we get into bed. I don't know about you, but I am about to fall asleep." She laughed.

I just shook my head at her with a light shuckle before crawling under the covers with her and falling asleep with her in my arms and a content smile on both of our faces.

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