Chapter 17: Now You Know

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The front door slammed and my mother's voice could be heard through my opened window.

Father yelled at her before the sound of skin on skin could be heard. My muscles tensed and my blood started boiling. He was not going to get his way.

I climbed out my window and down the vine. Walking around to the front of the house I seen mother getting back into her feet. She started yelling at him again. He raised his hand to hit her but I jumped in front of her and got hit instead.

Father stared at me with pure loathing in his eyes before striking my stomach. Twisting his hand I realized that he had stabbed me.

He pulled his hand away before mother got the jump on what was going on. I fell to my knees and held my stomach.

"You are a disgrace to the Malfoy name. You are no longer a son of mine." He punched me in the face before apparating away. When he was gone I fell sideways, my back towards the Manor.

The front door of the Manor opened and I could hear footsteps running towards me and mother. They stopped just as they reached us. There was only one person it could be.


"Please, help me." Mother was saying.

Hermione must gave nodded because two people knelt down beside me.

"Draco, let me see." Mother said. She tried to move my hands but I wouldn't let her. It hurt to much. I brought my knees closer to my chest as my body tensed up.

A second later I hear Hermione's voice. "Draco, move your hands." I shook my head and remained motionless. "Draco move your hands." She demanded.

I relaxed as much as I could and moved just enough to lay on my back, not moving my hands away from my stomach. Hermione's hand covered my and squeezed it reassuringly before lifting and moving it away gently.

I could my shirt being lifted. Opening my eyes I seen Hermione waving mothers wand and saying a few spells to clean the wound. Conjuring up a few items she picked up a bottle while handing the wand back to its owner.

"Here, take this." She said. I eyed the potion carefully. "It is a pain killer." She said.

I sighed before lifting my head with the help of my mother and took the potion.

I grimaced at the taste before laying my head back down and watched Hermione work.

Picking up another bottle she dipped her fingers in and scooped out a little bit of its contents she put it in the edges of my wound.

I sucked in a quick breath through my teeth which were probably clenched harder than necessary.

When she finished, she wiped off her hands and looked at my mother who seemed to get the message and grabbed my hand.

Questioning the reason behind her grabbing my hand, I looked at Hermione who was messing with something that I couldn't see.

She took a deep breath which confused me even more before I felt something poke through my skin, pulling something like a tail right behind it.

That was when I realized that she was stitching me up.

My stomach tensed and I put my head back so as to not look at anyone.

"Draco you need to try and relax or I can't help you." Hermione said.

"You try having someone sew up your stomach and try not to tense up." I snapped through clenched teeth.

She just rolled her eyes and continued working.

When she finished, her and mother helped me sit up so Hermione could wrap the bandages around me. When she finished they walked me to the house and up to my room. They removed shirt and helped me into bed after giving me a sleeping potion.

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