Chapter 36: A Newfound Sibling

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The news of Hermione's death shocked me to say the least.

I was given the story the day after she died by Blaise and Ginny. A few days later, Blaise sent Theo a letter explaining Draco's well being. I was shook when I heard that he wasn't taking care of himself like he was supposed to. This was when I decided to do something.

I got Theo to take me to my grams old home the day he got the letter. When we got to the house, I went to my old room and pulled a box out of my wardrobe. Theo was looking at the pictures around my room as I did this. Once I found what I needed, I secured it in my pocket and turned back to see Theo admiring a picture of us in our fifth year. It was our first day in Dumbledore's Army.

I let him look around a little more before we figured it was time to leave.

Once we got back to the house, I wrote a letter to Draco. I pulled it out of my pocket and smiled as memories of the brunette witch flooded my memory. I went through the pictures with a sad smile on my face. After a minute, I put the letter and the pictures in a secure package. With a sigh I went downstairs and sought out the family owl. I gave it the letter, told it where to go, and watched as it flew off towards Malfoy Manor.


About a week has passed since Hermione's death. Me and Theo are outside de gnoming the yard.

They usually have a house elf or something do it, but every once in a while Theo gets a sudden burst of energy and decides to do it himself. Being who I am, I help him.

We are about halfway done and I start to lean down and grab another one when I am greeted with the sound of apparation and a pair of bright blue eyes staring into mine. I hear Theo exclaim in surprise as I jump back and look at the visitors.

Ginny, a blonde, and another girl were standing in front of us with surprised expressions.

"Way to let us know you were coming Aviana." Theo stated.

The blonde girl just laughed. "You are very welcome Theodore."

I turned to look at Ginny and smiled as she gave me a hug.

"How have you been Ginny?" I asked.

"Fantastic." She replied enthusiastically.

"Are you on something? You seem way too happy right now. No offense." I ask the red head.

"I don't think so. But what I do know is that you are about to get a surprise." She smiled.

I looked at her skeptically before looking back at the girl with Ginny and the blonde.

My eyes widened, my jaw dropped, and I couldn't move. I had to be seeing things. There was absolutely no way she was here right now.

I just stared at the girl in a state of complete shock.

Before I even knew what was happening, I was embracing the girl in a tight hug as she laughed and hugged me back with the same amount of enthusiasm.

I pulled away a little bit and looked into her brown eyes that always made me feel like I was home.

"I can't believe it. You're alive. I thought you were dead." I exclaimed.

"I was." She replied.

"What do you mean was?" Theo asked.

"It's a long story, so how about we go inside and sit down. We will tell you then." The blonde said.

We all agreed and went inside to the drawing room. Theo got us drinks and we talked for a few minutes before all of our attention went to Hermione so she could tell us the full story.

Once she explained her and Draco talking in the library, her rampage in the bathroom, then events in the hospital, and the moment she woke up from being announced dead, I couldn't say anything.

Of all people, I thought Hermione would be the last person to do that. Then again, I see why she did it, but that still didn't make it right. Hermione was the strongest, smartest person I knew. He thinks over everything. In order for her to have done this, she wouldn't have been thinking.

"You are going to be ok though right?" Theo asked. "I know Draco was pretty upset about it."

"Yeah, I'll be fine. In fact, there is barely even a scar." Hermione said.

"There has to be. You are a muggleborn. Only purebloods can heal that fast with an injury that severe." Theo said.

"That's what I thought too until I actually thought about it." The blonde spoke.

She then began to explain why she started thinking Hermione was a pureblood and all her supporting points.

Theo whistled as he breathed out and chuckled. "I mean it does make sense, but what doesn't make sense is why no one knew before. Also, is she part of one of the sacred 28 families or is she a part of another pureblood family no one knows about?"

That is when Ginny spoke up. "Actually, she is a twin sister to one of the pureblood boys."

"Is it me?" Theo asked.

"Nope." The blonde, whose name I still didn't know, smiled. "She is the twin sister of Neville."

The girls smiled at me as Theo's eyes widened. I was stunned.

Hermione walked back into the room after asking where the restroom was halfway through the blonde's explanation. She looked around the room and settled her eyes on me, a soft smile on her lips.

I began moving before my mind could process what was going on and wrapped her up in my arms. She laughed and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I released her. She moved her arms to my waist and rested her head on my chest.

"Who all knows that she is alive?" I asked the group.

"You two, us, Narcissa, and, later, Blaise." The blonde responded.

"Draco doesn't know?" I asked.

"No, we are going to surprise him." Ginny smiled.

"Just saying, I am not a part of this, and you guys are going to be dead for not telling him as soon as you found out." I said.

"He'll be too happy with Hermione being there that he won't do anything to us." A Ginny waved it off with a smile.

"Please tell me I am seeing a ghost and Hermione's corpse isn't standing on it's own in the middle of Theo's drawing room." A voice came from the doorway.

We all looked over and saw Blaise standing in the doorway staring at us in shock.

We all looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Blaise, why don't me and Aviana take you outside and explain everything." Ginny spoke first, walking towards the dark skinned wizard with the blonde following.

Theo, Hermione, and I looked at each other with blank expressions.

Hermione was the one to break the silence. "Well, at least Ginny doesn't have to try explaining all of the pureblood fast healing stuff to Blaise on her own."

Theo and I started laughing and agreed with the brunette in front of us.

"Seriously, I am the brightest witch of our age and I am still confused with all of the blood status healing stuff."

This only made me and Theo laugh harder. After a minute Hermione started laughing as well.

It wasn't until Theo's mom walked in that made us stop.

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