Chapter 38: A Letter in the Bathroom

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I woke up by the sound of an owl tapping on my window. I looked at the time and groaned.

It is way to early to be receiving anything let alone send something off.

I covered my head with my pillow and ignored the owl hoping it would go away. Luck wasn't on my side in this case.

I glared at the bird through a gap between my pillow and mattress before lazily waving my hand to open the window and allow the owl to enter.

When it landed in front of me I realized it was Blaise's owl. I took the letter and stroked the owl for a minute before it flew off again. I set the letter on my nightstand before turning over in hopes to get a few more minutes of sleep.

Thirty minutes passed and I realized that sleep wouldn't be coming. With a sigh I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

When I finished, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. I picked up Blaise's letter and broke the seal to read its contents.


I was wondering if you would like to make an official decision on which house you want to move into. This is probably the last thing you want to do right now but you and I both know it needs to be done.

If you're up for it, we can meet up in Bristol after lunch. It will just be me and you because Ginny is planning something with Aviana.

Let me know as soon as possible.


I set the letter down beside me and rubbed my face tiredly. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes to get dressed. After hanging the towel up, I looked in the mirror and was about to leave the bathroom when the corner of a piece of paper caught my attention.

I turned and looked at the paper sitting on the ground right behind my door. I bent down and picked it up with a confused expression on my face.

Deciding to wait and open it with Blaise, I left my room and walked downstairs to get some breakfast.

I smiled at mother who was already seated and eating in her place at the table.

"Morning mother." I greeted.

"Morning Draco." She greeted back with a smile.

I took my place and started filling my plate as Aviana walked in the dining room looking as though she was about to leave.

Her hair was in a high ponytail. She was wearing a pair of high-waisted skinny jeans and a black t-shirt.

"You look like you've been up for a while. What's the occasion." Mother asked.

"Ginny and I are going to hang out at Hogsmeade today and do a few random things." She answered with a wink.

Mother nodded with a smile as I watched the interaction silently, curious about the wink but decide that it would be best to ignore it.

"Well, Blaise, Theo, and Pansy's parents are coming over after lunch so we can have some tea and catch up with each other." Mother says before turning to me. "What are your plans for the day Draco?"

"Blaise sent me a letter this morning wondering if I would like to go with him and make a final decision on a home for each of us." I answered.

"That sounds like fun." Aviana smiled.

"I guess." I shrug before finishing my breakfast and excusing myself to finish getting dressed and go over to Blaise's early so we could talk about the letter I found in my bathroom earlier.

I settle on a pair of casual black slacks and a grey shirt before combing out my hair and leaving it loose before deciding my appearance was good enough before apparating to the Zabini Manor.

Once my feet hit solid ground I felt a sudden weight on my back and a pair of arms wrap around my neck.

On instinct, I grab the person's leg to prevent them from falling and using my other arm to steady myself so I wouldn't fall.

I heard the person laugh which caused me to chuckle when I recognized the voice.

"Hello to you too Pansy." I put her down and turned around to give her a hug.

"Hey Draco." She hugs me back before we seperate and I take a minute to look at her appearance.

Her hair was much longer than the last time I seen it and looks a lot darker. She was wearing a simple baby blue blouse with a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of black flats.

"Did you enjoy your trip?" I asked.

"I loved it. I don't think my parents enjoyed it very much but it was amazing. Italy is beautiful. That is definitely a place I would visit again. I made sure and thanked Blaise's mom for the tickets as well." Pansy smiled widely as she talked.

"I'm glad you had fun and that you got to get away for a while."

"Me too, but I can't wait to be back in my own bed."

We laughed at this before her parents came out of Blaise's house and said that it was time to go. We said goodbye and I watched as they apparated away before walking up to the front door and knocking.

I was greeted by Blaise who looked shocked at my presence before invited me in and rushing into the dining room rather quickly, leaving me in the entrance hall alone.

I brushed off his actions and made my way to the dining room as well. I entered the room just as the door to the kitchen closed.

Blaise turned around and looked at me with a nervous smile. "Sorry about that Draco."

"Is everything ok?" I asked, furrowed my eyebrows as the dark skinned wizard avoided looking at me.

"Everythings fine. Why do you ask." He questioned.

"Don't play stupid with me Zabini. I know something is going on so what is it?"

He opened his mouth to respond but closed it again upon seeing the look I was giving him. He sighed and looked me full in the face before speaking.

"I guess I am just antsy."

"Antsy?" I questioned.

"Shut up, I couldn't think of anything else."

"Okay than what has got you so antsy as you say." I asked before widening my eyes playfully and faking a gasp. "Are you planning on proposing to Weaselette?"

Blaise's face transformed into one of shock as I started laughing.

"Who's proposing to who?" Aviana's voice came from the doorway.

This made me laugh harder as Blaise's face turned crimson.

"I'm not proposing to anyone!" He snapped.

When I finally calmed down, I asked for a glass of water. Blaise sighed and went into the kitchen to get me a glass of water as Aviana approached me with a smile.

"You live to torture him don't you?" She asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mocked confusion which caused her to roll her eyes and chuckle.

"Whatever you say Draco. I am going to find Ginny."

"She is up in her room." Blaise said as he handed me the water.

"Thanks Blaise." Aviana smiled before turning and leaving us alone.

"So, what made you decide to come over three hours before I asked you to be here?" The dark haired Slytherin asked.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the letter, holding it up while saying, "this."

Blaise looked at the letter with furrowed eyebrows. "What is it?"

"A letter I assume. I'm not sure exactly, I found it on the floor in my bathroom this morning after showering."

Blaise reached up and took the letter from me before sitting down at the table and looking up at me.

"Well? How about we open it up and find out for sure." He smirked as I sat down.

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