Chapter 27: The Letter

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By the time a week had passed, I began to worry more about Draco. He hasn't eaten at all, he refuses to sleep because he claims that everytime he closes his eyes he sees her, he won't shower, and he hasn't left his room.

For what seemed like the millionth time this week I walked in to his bedroom and seen him in the exact same position he was a few hours ago.

"Draco you need to eat something." I said.

"I'm not hungry." He replies.

"Can you at least take a shower?" I ask. "Mother is getting worried."

"What's the point? I never leave the house and I don't talk to anyone so there is no need to keep up an appearance." He snapped.

I sighed. "Well as a matter of fact, Blaise and Ginny are coming over in a little bit and Blaise wants to talk to you. Alone." I add before leaving his room.

Once his door was closed I walked down to the drawing room to find Teddy and mother talking in front of the fire.

When he seen me he jumped up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hi Avy." Teddy smiled before grabbing my hand and dragging me over to where mother was standing.

I smiled at the nickname he gave me since he couldn't say my full name correctly. "How is Draco today?" Mother asked.

I sighed. "Nothing has changed since the day he lost her."

She nodded just as the fireplace roared with green flames and two people stepped out. One with red hair and the other with dark hair.

Mother stood up and pulled Ginny into a hug. "I am so sorry for what happened. How have you been?" She asked while pulling away.

"Just managing to get through the day before crying myself to sleep at night." She shrugged with a sad smile.

I looked at Blaise and he nodded sadly as though confirming what she just said.

I stepped up and pulled Ginny into a hug. When we broke apart, I looked at mother and said that we were going to go upstairs and talk for a little bit.

When we reached the top of the staircase I stopped them. "Actually, Blaise can you go and try to get Draco to take a shower. I haven't been able to and neither has mum. If you want, try and get him to eat something as well. I need to talk to Ginny."

"How long has it been since he's last showered?" Blaise asked.

"Sometime before I came." I replied. "So, maybe a week and a few days."

He raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened. "Oh I am going to get him to take a shower." With that he entered Draco's room and closed the door behind him.

"How about we go to my room." I said to Ginny.

"Ok." She answered.

We walked back down the stairs and through a few corridors before coming to my bedroom. My room had a blue and silver theme. My bedding was blue with silver threading. The curtains were the opposite, having blue threading and being all silver. My walls were a soft grey color, while my dresser and desk was white.

We sat on my bed in silence for a while until Ginny spoke. "How has Draco been holding up?"

"Well, for starters he doesn't shower at all, as you have already heard. He doesn't eat or sleep, and he never leaves his room." I reply.

"He's punishing himself." Ginny whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"About a year ago, me and Hermione were sitting in the drawing room while Draco and Blaise went to the kitchen to grab some snacks and drinks. About a minute after they left, Lucius walked into the room. Without a word he approached Hermione and slapped her right acrossed the face. He then used his wand to torture her further before leaving the room as though I wasn't there. Draco and Blaise came back and healed her after that. When she was able to move without wincing again, Draco held her hand, as though letting her know someone was there. He told her that he wouldn't know what to do if his father ever killed her. He said he would punish himself because he wasn't there to help her. This is the time he was talking about. He wasn't able to help her so he is punishing himself for something he never did." The redhead explained.

I stared at her with a shocked expression. I couldn't believe it. My father has turned abusive and my brother has fallen in love with a beautiful, intelligent muggle-born without realizing it.

I opened my mouth to say something when a tapping sounding throughout the room. I looked at the window and seen a barn owl sitting on the window sill just outside.

I walked over and let the owl in. He dropped the letter on my desk before flying away again.

"Who's it from?" Ginny asked.

Upon seeing the crest my face contorted into one of confusion. "It's from St. Mungos." I said before facing the girl and opening the letter to read its contents.

Dear Ms. Malfoy,

I am writing to you by request of our patient in room 713 on the third floor.

As you know, a week ago Ms. Granger passed on. Soon after Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Zabini, Ms. Weasley, and yourself left the hospital on the 3rd of November. We were about to sign the papers to announce her dead when her heart monitor began to start up again. It was very faint, but it was there.

After working with her for seven hours we managed to do all the tests that were necessary. She slipped into a light coma before the tests were returned so I was given the job to keep a close eye in her.

Late last night, while checking on her one last time before heading home she started moving. I sat and watched her for a good 5 minutes before she actually opened her eyes.

The healer came in and started asking some questions and doing some basic examinations before giving her a few potions. Two was for the pain and the other was to send her off to sleep again.

When she awoke this morning I gave her breakfast and asked her if there was anything she needed before I left. Ger response was to send a letter to Aviana Malfoy and tell her everything from the day she was brought in till today.

Her wish is for you to know that she is ok and that she can't wait to see you and her friends again.

Elizabeth Boston
Surgical Assistant at St. Mungos Hospital

I gasped as I red the letter and looked up at Ginny who was looking at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

Without saying anything I handed her the letter and let her read it. Her expression matched mine when she was done and I just barely had time to keep her quite before she squealed in delight.

"She's alive. Oh thank Merlin." She shrieked before pulling me into a hug and jumping up and down. "We have to tell the boys." She started towards the door before I pulled on her arm and kept her from leaving.

"Hold on, I have a better idea. How about we go see Hermione later today and surprise the boys. When she starts feeling better and is able to leave the hospital, we can do something special for the boys, and that's how we tell them that she is still with us." I say.

"It can be their Christmas present, because Hermione is going to want to tell Draco that she's ok right off. We can get her on board and then plan everything out. Once that happens we can surprise the boys." Ginny said.

"Perfect." I smile.

She smiles back and squeezes me tightly before we sit back down and talk about anything and everything.


That was the next chapter. I hoped you liked it and continue reading.

I also want to give a shout out to AApol5 for commenting, voting, and being an awesome reader. Thank you so much and hope you liked this chapter.

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