Chapter 22: Glass

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When Hermione left the library I just stood there for a moment. Deciding it would be best to leave her alone and let her cool for a little bit I left the library and went to my room.

I lay back on my bed and closed my eyes.

After a few minutes I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I hollered.

The door opened and closed before a voice was heard.

"Draco, can I talk to you?"

I opened my eyes and propped myself up on my elbow to see a little boy with platinum blonde hair and brown eyes standing by the door.

"Sure." I shrug and pat the bed so he can sit down.

He climbs on and sits by me before talking.

"I was talking to Hermione and she said that she has been with you for three years but have never dated. Is she correct?" He asked.

"Yeah." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him with a slightly confused expression.

"Why did you never ask her out?"

I just looked at the kid with an amused look. "What makes you think she would have gone out with me anyway?"

"I don't know. I just think you would make a cute couple." He answered.

I chuckled at this before changing the subject. "Would you like to see Aunt Narcissa?"

His eyes widened. "Yeah." He exclaimed.

"Ok, come on." I got off my bed and he followed. We left my room and walked down the stairs before stopping in front of mother's room. "Wait here." I say before slowly opening the door and entering.

"Mother." I said.

She walked out of her bathroom while running a brush through her hair. "Is everything ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I answer. "If you're up for it, Teddy would like to see you."

She set her brush down on her desk and smiled. "I would like that."

I smiled back and opened her door so Teddy could enter.

She looked at the boy in interest as he changed his hair color to a dark brown and his eye color more blue than grey.

"Hello Teddy." She said.

"Hi." He answered.

"I'll let you two have some time together." I informed them before stepping out of the room and almost running into Aviana.

"Where's Teddy?" She asked.

"With mother."

"Good because I need to talk to you about Hermione." She stated before dragging me to my room and shutting the door.

"What in the name of Merlin is going on?" I asked.

"What's wrong with Hermione? I seen her out in the garden and went to talk to her. I asked about the weather and she didn't really give me an answer. Then she got offended when I asked if she was ok. She said that I was just like you and that we Malloy's are so intent on getting an answer as soon as the question is said. She is angry." Aviana said.

"Just give her some time to cool off. She will come around in a little while." I shrugged.

My sister sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I am just going to say it now before anything happens, but I think you should go talk to her."

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