Chapter 41: The Window's Moonlight

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After we finished looking at houses, Blaise apparated us to a garden pathway.

"Blaise what are we doing here?" I asked.

"Can't we just take a walk and clear our heads?" He asked and started walking.

"You never just decide to take a walk Blaise. There is a reason for it so what is it? Is it what you said while we got a drink earlier?" I asked, getting slightly irritated.

"What did I say earlier?" He asked, trying to play dumb.

"I am not in the mood for this Zabini, just tell me why we are in the middle of a garden for absolutely no reason when I could be home taking a shower and going to bed."

"Just shut up and face forward Malfoy."

I glared at him for a moment before turning forward and rolling my eyes. After walking a few more feet, Blaise started slowing down a little bit.

I chuckled a bit when I saw the curve and it looked to be a bit darker than it was here.

"Is Blaise Zabini scared of what will be around the corner?" I asked with an amused smile.

"Nope, just falling behind because I could almost feel your irritation and didn't want to get hexed from behind." He shrugged and looked behind me.

"I'm not that big of a jerk. If I wanted to duel you I would challenge you to one, not catch you off guard." I replied and kept walking.

Blaise didn't answer so I figured he just stuck with it and was going to move on.

AlI knew at the moment was that he and the girls were hiding something. What I didn't know was what it was.

When we rounded the corner, there was another one just a little ways ahead. I turned back to Blaise. "How big is this garden?"

"I don't know. I just thought it would be fun just to take a walk and get some fresh air. Merlin knows you need it." Blaise replied.

"Whatever." I sighed and continued walking.

About halfway to the next curve, the figures of three girls appeared.

One of them was a red head and the other had platinum blonde hair. Those two were standing in the back, flanking the girl in the middle.

She was a gorgeous brunette and looked dressed up way more than the other two. She actually looked a lot like Herm- wait...

I stopped and stared at the girl with a shocked expression. I couldn't speak. I was paralyzed with shock and happiness. When I snapped out of it I ran towards her and picked her up in a hug, spinning her around in circles as she laughed and hugged me around the neck, burying her face in my shoulder.

I started laughing and felt myself tearing up as I put her down and looked at her. She was just as beautiful as the day I lost her.

"You're alive! Wait, but how? You flat lined and they pronounced you dead and I saw your body on the hospital bed and...."

I couldn't even finish what I was saying because in the middle of my sentence, a pair of lips crashed into mine for a minute before pulling away.

"You talk too much." She smiled before hugging me again. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close, not wanting to let her go ever again.

When we pulled away from each other I rounded on Blaise.

"And you knew she was still alive?" I asked, not finding it in me to be angry.

"Hey don't blame it on me, Aviana and Ginny knew first." He raised his hands in surrender.

I turned around and looked at the girls.

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