Chapter 45: Perfect

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I woke up in my room with my mother sitting next to me. When she noticed I was awake she stood up and faced me.

"You shouldn't have attacked him." She stated blankly.

"What was I supposed to do?" I retorted.

"Let Kingsley take care of it." She glared at me.

"Why would he do something about the Weasel when he wouldn't believe what Hermione was telling him?"

"Because words and actions are two different things, Draco."

"That shouldn't make a difference." I mumbled.

Whether she heard me or not, I didn't care.

"I just thought you'd like to know that there was a flaw in the spell he created." She came back to the bed as her expression softened from the angry one she had on a few seconds ago.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I sat up on the bed. "Is she ok?"

"Yeah she's fine." She nodded. "His spell wasn't done right. He either did something wrong while creating it, or he didn't pronounce it right, but it was evident that this was his first time using it. Hermione did fall asleep like he said she would, but she didn't stay asleep. It was as though she was knocked on the back of the head like you were. She woke up about an hour ago."

"I want to see her." I exclaimed and tried getting out of bed but was shoved back down.

"You are not going anywhere until you take a shower." She snapped.

I just looked at her with an irritated expression before giving up. "Fine, I'll take a shower."

"I know you will." She smiled before patting me on the shoulder.

I just rolled my eyes as she left the room.

"No wonder Weasley wasn't the smartest in our year." I muttered under my breath before laughing quietly and making my way to the bathroom.

20 minutes later, I was out of the shower and halfway dressed when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and smiled when I saw Hermione standing there.

"Feel better?" She asked.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked playfully. "I'm always feeling good."

"Of course you are." She smiled and rolled her eyes.

I just laughed and moved out of the way so she could come in.

She sat down on the bed and looked around the room like it was her first time seeing it.

"Thank you." She said.

"For what?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"Taking out the Weasel." She smiled and looked at me.

"That wasn't the first time, and I hope it was the last because he is getting extremely annoying." I replied. "And you're welcome."

She leaned into my side and wrapped her arms around my waist in a side hug. I did the same and moved closer to her with a smile.

"Someone wants to see you." She whispered before pulling away and standing up.

"Now you remember what happened last time someone was wanted? THere was a fight and two people got knocked out." I said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about? Nobody got knocked out. We just got tired and fell asleep."

I laughed and smiled when she did as well.

That was something I would never get tired of hearing. Her laugh was beautiful. Just like everything else about her. No one could replace her and no one could compare to her. She was everything you could possibly want in a girl all rolled into one.

She had the personality that every guy wants. Looks that make her look like a queen. Hair that is softer than silk. Quick witted and very smart. Eyes that could entrance you without you even knowing it. Don't even get me started on her soft side. She is caring, sweet, and respectful.

She was perfect.

"Alright hurry up and put a shirt on. Your visitor is waiting." She snapped me out of my daze and left the room.

I sighed and did as she said.

After pulling on a grey shirt, I left my room and made my way downstairs. Laughter came from the drawing room. I cracked open the door to see Blaise, Ginny, Theo, Neville, Hermione, and Aviana.

I entered quietly and listened as they talked and laughed. I was about to speak when Hermione looked at me.

"There you are, you took forever." She exclaimed which caused everyone else to look back at me.

"What? Did you miss me?" I asked.

"In your dreams Malfoy."

I pretended to be wounded. "Ouch, that hurt."

The group laughed and Hermione waved me over.

I went over and stood behind the chair Hermione was sitting in.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked.

"Well, Blaise and Theo were hanging out and decided they wanted to get the whole group together to hang out. They came over with Ginny and Neville and Aviana joined us for a few minutes before they sent me up to get you." Hermione explained.

"Then mother came in and suggested a trip over to Little Hangleton to see the house you are moving into." Aviana added.

I just nodded. "If that's what we want to do then we'll do it."

"You better go tell your mother then. She is waiting for an answer from you." Blaise said.

I sighed and left the room to find her and tell her the plan.

I found her in her study and, after explaining the plan, went back to the drawing room to inform the others that we would be leaving in 5 minutes.

They all got up from their seats and went out into the front of the house to wait for mother and I.

Hermione was the last to pass me and gave me a smile before following after Ginny and going outside.

Mother was ready in 3 minutes and I pulled on my shoes before getting everyone together.

"I can't apparate 8 people at once so Blaise is going to take a few people." I said.

"I can take Ginny, Theo, and Neville. You can take your family and Hermione." He stated quickly.

Everyone agreed and got into their groups. On the count of three, we apparated and landed in the front yard of a gorgeous two story house.

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