Chapter 4: Lunch With Weasley

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As soon as I closed the door, my mother came around the corner.

"Draco, we are having a guest over for lunch, you need to be ready." She said.

"Yes mother." I replied.

Without another word, she left.

I walked down the hall and entered my room. I took a quick shower and changed before going back to the Granger's room. I entered and seen her staring back out the window.

She turned around when I entered and fear almost immediately took over her emotions. I just rolled my eyes.

"We are having a guest over for lunch. You are not to leave this room unless you are summoned." I said nodding towards the necklace around her neck. "Do you understand me?"

She nodded quickly. I started making my way to her, crossing the room quickly.

"I said do you understand me." I snapped.

"Yes." She replied quietly.

"Good." With that I left the room and locked the door before heading downstairs.

I walked into the dining room and suppressed the urge to groan. Could this day get any worse? My mother and father were sitting at the table accompanied by Aunt Bella and Weasley.

"Draco, come and sit." My mother said motioning to the chair beside her. I reluctantly went and sat down acrossed from Weasley.

"I'm sure you remember Mr. Weasley from school, yes?" My father spoke.

"Yes. He was a Gryffindor in my year." I responded.

"Well, in case you don't know, he is the assistant manager at Alcatraz." My Aunt smiled. "He does his work well and isn't afraid to punish anyone who needs it. Even if it was one of his best friends."

"Well, I am glad to hear it." I lied smoothly. "We need more of those. There aren't many people out there that are up to torturing there old friends or school mates."

"Exactly." My Aunt said. "That is why I brought him here today. Because he knows how to keep the mudood in line. He was the only one that could do it. Everyone else was to easy on her and she wasn't learning anything when I tortured her. But when I had him teach her a lesson, that put an end to her snarky comments almost immediately."

"I can control her Aunt Bella. As a matter of fact, I was in her room just a little bit ago. And she is scared to death of me. I'll walk in the room and she cowers in corner like a two year old. I'm pretty sure that is enough evidence that I don't need any help with her." I retort.

"Do you mind if I have a word with her before we leave?" Weasley asked.

"I don't see why not." I say.

After that, we eat in silence for most of lunch. We are about to move onto dessert when my Aunt spoke again.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I was about to leave Diagon Alley this morning after you guys left, and I heard from Blaise Zabini, I believe he was in your year Draco. Anyway, I was about to leave when he came up to me and said that he was going over to visit the Greengrass family, and found that they have all been murdered."

I had just gotten a drink of pumpkin juice when she said this last bit and I had started choking. My mother pat me on the back until I could breathe again.

"What? How?" I gasped.

"I have no idea." She replied nonchalantly.

I looked down at my food, unable to eat anymore. Instead I excused myself and went back to my room.

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