Wow, just wow!

356 19 0


I am blown away completely by you all. This was my first major long read and to tell you my deepest fear is that I thought this would suck, big time suck!

So to see that it's gotten over 1K reads, over 270 votes and is even on a list (205 yoai) it makes my chest tight and tears crest my eyes....really trying not to cry.

I've always been a short story writer, nothing long and drawn out, but dang! I'm so moved by you all. Deeply filled with apriciation.

*Bows head straight to the floor knocking my forehead*

"Owe, ummm, t...thank Arigatōgozaimashita, I felt like giving up writing, but you have all renewed my hope!"

*Gets up and rubs forehead while grinning like Naruto!*

I love this fandom, you all are totally awesome.

I've been working on some other things and hope to publish in the near future. Bless you all!!!!

Update: Haven't been on in ages feels like. Going to move my shizz to Ao3 as I feel guidelines gone crazy. But I wanted to check out some of my haven't finished reads here and decided to check out misa stories.... And low and behold....

 And low and behold

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Number one in Sakumo!?!?!??!?!

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Number one in Sakumo!?!?!??!?!

Thank you all of you beautiful bunches of BL crazies!! My Lawd so happies right now!

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