Chapter 33: Hiruzen gets serious

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Hiruzen listened to the report from Jiraiya.

"So we have a rat. Now can our rat sing like a bird? Send in Crane."

The Anbu shunshined in and took a knee.

"And what have you found?"

"Actually sir, my men are following a few leads. Two Civilians and one Elder. All three with ties to Shimura-san. I have had no leaks so far and we have a sting operation set up for the Elder."


"Elder Hagane. We have evidence against him. The sting is to catch him in the act selling classified information to Kumo. The Civilians are Yang-san and Sarushimoto-san. Again we have evidence and are planning their stings operations soon."

Hiruzen tapped his pipe stem to his lips in thought. They were running out of time from what Minato was telling him. Every few days Minato came into the office to report and this so called deadline was approaching too quickly.

"Do the sting on the Elder, but bring the other two in. Take them all to Yaminaka Inoyuka. She is doing all the interrogations. No one else gets access to them except Inoyuka, Jiraiya or myself. She is working on Elder Kaieda right now and I want the same guards for him. We are running out of time. Continue your investigation. I need evidence on Danzo now. Dismissed."

Crane left and Jiraiya and Nade stepped forward.

"I'm calling Sakumo back. But until then I want Minato to use the Hiraishin no Jutsu to take you both to Orochi and figure out what Danzo has done to him and this child, Kinoe. Tsunade, I want you to take every specimen you can think of on the boy and run every medical test. We need answers. And we need them now. Also,Tsunade, have you accomplished your mission yet?"

"Ummm, I believe I have, sir, I have used Raiya's seal mastery to implement it and when we go to use it, I think a Nara and their clan jutsu would be best. The clan head I have heard can use his shadow to move objects?"

"That is true."

"Then we will have his shadow place the sealing tag, with Raiya's help, I can make it activate on contact and it will send a targeted jolt of lighting chakra to the heart and cause a heart attack. I also put in a fast acting dose of nerotoxin that will help stop the heart. Both the toxin and the lightening chakra will be cleansed from the body upon the heart stopping for 5 minutes. At this time, the tag is wrote to flash burn leaving no trace."

"Good, have it ready a.s.a.p. and have multiple copies for standby. I'm sorry I made you do this, but we need a sure fire back up plan if anything goes wrong. I will not allow Orochi and this boy to suffer for our short comings. Find Minato before he returns home tonight and figure out what is wrong with my boy! Dismissed!"

They left. Hurt and determination weighing on their shoulders.

Hiruzen understood only too well their feelings. They had all left Orochi to the wolves for way too long. Believing he had everything under control and that it was going according to plan. How wrong they had been and now they were under a deadline to rescue him.

The Hokage pulled out a scroll and started writing Sakumo.


It is time you return. The deadline is nearing and no evidence to arrest Danzo has been found. Though we have accomplishes in custody, I am not sure there is a lead to follow there.

I am sending Jiraiya and Tsunade to figure out what Danzo has done to Orochi and this child, Kinoe. Tsunade will also be examining the boy and taking specimens to test. Hopefully we can get some answers that way.

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