Chapter 39: You have done well

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(AN: Pic above represents what the physical form of the dragons would look like.)

I was floating in darkness. I figured the peaceful lands would be different when I crossed over. Or had my transgressions lead me on a different path in the after life, I felt I actually deserved it. Though this seemed vaguely familiar. I just floated in peace. Not caring.

My dragon was with me which was strangely suspicious, as I assumed she would follow our ancestors in the after life and finally receive her name.

"She could of received it twice so far, young one."

"Hello? Who's there? And what are you speaking of?"

"It is I, Heiwana hikari (peaceful light)."

"Heiwana hikari, but your our clan's founder, our ancestral first dragon. I thought we would never hear from you again after our mating gift."

"You and your dragon have lived much in your short lives. You have fought bravely, protected fiercely and over come much. Your dragon has gained her name twice now, but you both fought to hang on to life. She does not wish to leave your mate or your horde anymore than you do. And so she fights to help you cling to life."

"So this is not the after life then?"

"Bhahahaha! (The darkness shook) No young one, but on your plain, you are in what they call a comma. You will wake soon enough. But before you do, I have certain things I must talk to you about."

My dragon grumbles and I feel her displeasure. Heiwana hikari's thunder like laughter fills the dark space again.

"She is not happy with you, should I take offence to what ever you have to tell me?"

"You two are more connected than some of our clan's first pairs. That is saying much for what was the last of our kind. But take my words however you like, I know your dragon does not like a few things I have to depart to you."

I growl lowly. My dragon joins me.

"Speak then Ancient one, and I will judge what you have to say."

He chortled, like we are errant children pouting.

"So be it, you have died twice and your dragon has refused to leave you. She has helped bring you back both times with the help of the friends you have; there will be no third. Your bond is strong this is true, but she has weakened herself too much to save you any longer."

I mentally caress her and we both feel each other's love and purr at each other.

"I understand, but we will do what we must for our mate and horde."

"Yes, your horde, fine exceptional young hatchlings that you have bonded and bred. Though not many are your blood, they all hold your bond mark. Because of this their children, if they have any and so wish it, will have dragons of their own. It saddens me that your own children can not hold their own dragons, but your grandchildren can and will, if the parents only ask before birth."

"And why is this?"

"It is a gift, from your ancestors to your dragon and yourself, for the bravery you have shown and wish our clan to prosper once again. You two are the best of us all."

My dragon swells with pride and I smile at her.

"Thank you for that then. Is there anything else."

He is quiet for too long and my dragon starts to growl.

"Unfortunately, yes. Your family's troubles are not over. Each hatchling will be fated with trails and pain of their own. But stand strong as a horde and you will pull through."

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