Chapter 3: Falling for him

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As the week went on I discovered how intelligent Kakashi was and started teaching him reading and writing. Helping him with his speech.

He absorbed knowledge like a sponge and so toward the end of the week, I also started training him. I was excused from missions out of the village and continued my research work in the lab. Kakashi would come with me and read quietly in the corner.

Besides reading and training, I found he had other likes and dislikes.

He liked cuddling on my lap and being read to even though he could read the same book himself. He liked his scarf, we found at the Hatake house and his little stuffed dog. He liked being outside. He also began to like my summons and asked if they could even sleep with him in the bed at night.

He disliked sweet foods and drinks. He disliked the playground and other children.

( Which was fine because I too disliked those things. So I did not push him.)

He disliked taking his baths. He dislikes his hair being combed or brushed and me trying to tame it down. After some time the gravity-defying stick-up hair grew on me and he would at least allow me to finger comb it when I pet him.

He liked eggplant and miso soup, especially together. He liked lightening, but not the thunder. He disliked sleeping in another room away from me during a storm. He liked quiet silences when he could read and I worked. He disliked being baby talked to and having his cheek pinched by annoying women.

(I too grew to dislike this.)

He liked new words and his vocabulary was taking off. The toddler talk disappearing into full-blown sentences. He seemed very accomplished when I would correct his speech and the next time he would say it perfect.

He liked it when I would praise him for learning something new. He disliked that I made him help set the table and clean dishes. He liked me being where he could always see me and disliked that his To-san was still gone.

I learned so much about him. And I loved all of it. He was a prodigy, without a doubt, and so I taught him the basics of Taijutsu and chakra. He asked all sorts of questions about ninjutsu, but we only went over theory. He learned how to throw shiruken and Kuni. He learned hand signs, though his stubby baby fingers made it difficult. I learned he could get frustrated. But he wouldn't express his emotions until they become bottled up and he would explode with them.

I wondered how Hatake-san would comfort him in these times or praise him. What sort of things his To-san would let slide versus scolding him over? I even started giving him goodnight kisses and sang the same lullabies my mother sang to me when I tucked him in at night. I wondered did Hatake do this also?

By 2 1/2 weeks, we had a set routine. I thrived on routine and found he enjoyed it also. He was excelling in his studies and when I was working in the lab or at the hospital with Nade he would find things to occupy himself with.

Nade was amazed at how smart he was. She was not impressed with the name he decided on. 'Oba-Nade', she tried even bribing him to change it. I didn't have the heart to tell her that sweats would not work as a bribe. And she would do 10xs better with a bowl of eggplant miso soup. But it may not have made a difference at that point because I think it amused the Hatchling to no end. He continued to call her 'Oba-Nade' just to get a reaction out of her. Sneaky little snake. I had to hide my amusement from them both.

"Oba-Nade, are you gonna come to dinner? Kaa-chan is making yakitori."

"Huh, gaki, I normally would, because your Kaa-chan is a good cook, but I have plans tonight. Sorry, runt."

Kakashi looked crestfallen. But that changed quickly when an Anbu shunshined into Nade's office.
He jumped from his spot and ran to me. I enveloped him in my arms and shot a dissatisfied look towards the Anbu.

"Ummm, pardon Tsunade-hime, Orochimaru-san, Hokage-sama is requesting you in his office now. He has word of Hatake-san."

Kakashi peeked his head out of my chest.


"Tell Sensei, I'll be right there."

The Anbu left and Nade no sooner opens her mouth to I assume say goodbye to us, than a medical-nin busted through her door.

"Apologies, Tsunade-hime it's an emergency and we need your expertise."

"Well, there goes my night of drinking and gambling. Go Orochi, Sensei is waiting. I'll see you two later."


And with that, her heels were clicking down the hallway. I pulled Kakashi to my back into a piggyback hold and exited through the window and the roof jumped to the Hokage's tower.

I jumped through the window of the Hokage's office. Sensei gave me a look and finished speaking to the team of Anbu before he addressed me.

"You're not going to start Jiraiya's nasty habit of not using the door. Have a seat, Orochi. Hello, Kakashi."

I sat on the sofa and Kakashi sat next to me leaning in. I put my arm around his little shoulders.

"Go on Hatchling say hello to Sensei."

He looked up at me unsure and then turned to Sensei.

"Yo, Hokage-Ojichan."

Uuff, maybe the Hatchling was picking up on my bad habits already. When I was unsure of a situation, I tended to give basic, short, aloof responses knowing they irked most people. But their comfort was not my concern and it was very satisfying to see their reactions. But I didn't want Kakashi showing disrespect also.

"Kakashi. Gomensai, Sensei, he must be picking up my bad habits."

Hiruzen waved it off with his hand.

"No worries, Orochi. It happens, I caught my ten-year-old, Ruijin'en, walking around with my unused pipe at home the other day. They pick up our bad habits before anything else. Anyway, I called you to hear because Sakumo was rescued this morning and has just returned to the village."

His eyes softened on me and Kakashi spoke up.

"To-san!? To-san is home?"

My heart sank like a capsized boat on a stormy sea. I wanted to cling to my Hatchling and refuse. But Kakashi's joy could actually be felt in the room.

"Yes, Kakashi. But you will need to stay with your Kaa-san for awhile longer. Orochi, Sakumo is at the hospital now. I believe he was being prepped for surgery. He is not critical, but he did sustain some serious injuries by his captives. He may need some time to recover. We will know more when he is out of surgery. Take Kakshi home I'll send an Anbu when Sakumo can have visitors."

Kakashi was looking back and forth between the two of us. Clearly not understanding why we were not going to go to his To-san.

"Kakashi listens, listen To-san is tired from his mission and not feeling well. We are going to go home for now, but when To-san wakes up I will take you to go see him. Understand?"

"Hai, Kaa-chan can we make To-san miso soup instead of yakitori tonight. Miso soup will make To-san feel better."

I smiled and hugged him. Not wanting to lose this angel who all but changed me.

"That is an excellent idea. Why don't we go to the market and buy some eggplant to go into the miso soup? Thank you, Sensei, we will be seeing you later."

Orochi and Kakashi left Hiruzen's office and proceeded to get some eggplant for the much-needed miso soup.

It was three days though before an Anbu showed up to report Sakumo being awake. Kakashi was full of energy the first two days all but begging to go to his To-san, but had started to get melancholy about the situation before the Anbu showed up to announce Sakumo awake and being able to receive visitors.

So I thanked the Anbu and picked up Kakashi.

"Are you ready to go see To-san?"

"Come on, Kaa-chan, let's go."

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