Chapter 10: Sakumo meet our daughter

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Orochi had his hands full. Anko was much more energetic than Kakashi was. In just three days he realized how exceptional Kakashi as a toddler was.

He was trying to get things for Anko. Set up her room. And get her into their routine. She was a hopelessly cute scatterbrain. Her intelligence was high. She wasn't the prodigy that Kakashi was, but it mattered not at all. He started working on her speech correcting her as he had done Kakashi.

Kakashi was a bit put out at first by all the attention the 'new one' was getting and giving Anko a hard time. He teased her and pulled her hair and called her names merciless the first day. Orochi had to eventually have a sit-down talk with his Hatchling.

"I do not love you any less and I do not love her anymore. I love you both equally. And for many different reasons. You will always be my baby, my first love, and we have a bond Anko does not share, but I feel a bond with her also. And I hope you can come to love her also.  But I don't want you using your facade on her or pulling her hair or name-calling. That is cruel and I dislike it. Now if there is an issue, you will either talk it out or come to me, understand?"

"Yes, Kaa-chan, I'm sorry."

Orochi hugged him, gave him a kiss, and told him...

"You should tell Anko sorry, not me, she is the one who thinks you hate her. I need you to be a good nii-san. Especially if I'm to work hard on making you and her a baby brother. I don't need the bickering and fighting. I need you to help me, so things can run smoothly. Why don't you help her get better with her training and her words."

And so Kakashi did. He told Anko sorry 'for being a jerk' and ask if she wanted help training. They started to get along very well afterward.

Orochi also was wading hip deep in paperwork for the orphanage proposal.

There were 5 orphanages in or surrounding Konohagukure. They first decided to scrap two out of the 5 due to age and safety issues. Then they decided 2 of the 3 would be made specialized for fallen shinobi's children. Mainly because they would not allow the civilian drudge to have anything to do with it.

Run like the Academy, but with room and bored. Genin and Chunin would have missions working there. A team of Jonin would run on a permanent basis.  An administrator, a shrink, a teacher, and a medical-nin would comprise of the team. Chunin and genin would do everything else. The children would get better care, medical help, phycological help, and be taught the basics of shinobi life and chakra. Only after they graduated the academy would they be set up outside the orphanage.

Nade took it a step farther. She wanted to promote shinobi families to consider the orphans. So they decided a foster to adopt a program for any child 4 or older with proper documentation through medical, phycological, and Hokage office. A new department would be added just for this purpose.

The civilian children would have a bigger facility built for them and a paid staff of an administrator position, on-call phycologist and medical-nin, permanent cooking, cleaning, and care staff.

The adoption and fostering would be run through the same new department, but with exceptions. Only on a recommendation by a Jonin or higher could civilians adopt shinobi children.

If the proposal was accepted and passed they would eventually spread it through the fire nation. The only thing firmly set in place the shinobi's children orphanage would always be in Konohagukure and any children found and place in the system that showed potential to be shinobi and want would then be transferred here.

Orochi and Nade had enough of these children falling through the cracks of society. Konoha was a shinobi village and that's where these children belonged.

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