Chapter 37: Taking on Root and Danzo

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So I told them everything. Sakumo held me in his arms and I held Kabuto. While sitting next to me was Minato holding a sleeping Kinoe.

Sensei and Biwako, Raiya and Nade listened as I explained the Cursed Tongue Edratication seal. And the years of trying to take it off. I explained my experiments, which lead to Kinoe and the 100 or so children I painfully killed trying to merge DNAs. And I told them how for two years I did not allow myself to finalize the stem cell research even though I thought I'd figured it out. Until as a last resort, I finished my ultimate goal. And I told them everything about today, except the violation and what happened before I blacked out. I would tell Sakumo in private and we would look into getting Kinoe therapy.

I asked what happened after I ended up in the office.

Sakumo held me tighter as Nade explained that the seal activated and it was killing me when she arrived. I died for a whole 30 seconds before the seal disappeared and then they revived me.

So Danzo would of really felt me die, but then there was Kinoe. I explained the situation about Danzo being linked to the seals and the only way out of them was death by the sealed or the sealer. Danzo would most likely know Kinoe was still alive and we had to work fast to take him down.

I couldn't take much more of this day, but I asked Biwako to take the children. We had Minato take the boys and her to her home. He then gathered Kakashi and Anko took them there also. Sensei sent teams of Anbu to watch the Satutobi home. Minato arrived back. I clung to my oldest for comfort.

Sakumo and Sensei set to making plans. Sensei called in an elite squad of Anbu and Jonin. There was a good 50 people in on this. Then I started breaking down the layout of the faculty. The number of Root Anbu and Scientists at any given time. Back up exists and escape routes.

We were split into units. Those who would go in the front versus those who would enter all the backup exists. Uchiha and Huyga were put into every group. The Aburame and Inuzuka were to patrol the escape routes. The lead team consisted of Sakumo, myself, Nade, Raiya, the head of the Nara clan Shikamoto, and his son Shikaku, Anbu Crane, and his Anbu team and against my protests, Minato.

Sensei then spoke up...

"This mission is the utmost importance to this village. It is time we remove the infestation that grows in our ranks. You are tasked to infiltrate the Root Foundation. There you will seek out Shimura Danzo, the Elder, and Head of said organization. Once you have located him, dispose of him by any means necessary. Team One will be tasked solely with this duty. But any who run across him are to carry out this order, though I urge you all to use caution when dealing with Danzo. Any and all Root Anbu or Root personnel, who do not stand down under your orders, use any means necessary to subdue. Apprehend and arrest all those who comply. Do not let anyone escape. Hatake Sakumo, who most of you now realize is among the living, will lead this mission. You all have been given your assignments and your team captains. Commence mission operations now. Best of luck to you all."

The room cleared out as teams shinshued from the room. Our team along with Team Two, arrived outside the facilities entrance.

"Ok, here we go."

Sakumo gave the signal and we entered the building. I released my summons and as did Sakumo and Crane, who had a mukade (giant venomous centipede) contract. My snakes and Crane's mukade started taking out the guards. We rushed past following Sakumo's pack into the building. Team Two broke off from us as we headed towards Danzo's offices.

When we entered through his door. We were met by Danzo himself. Though we were immediately surrounded by his guard and 5 other Root Anbu.

"Orochimaru, well how convenient your still alive. As I will need you to perfect a way to speed up the growth of my army. We will obviously have to hurry to escape now. Our operations have already been moved. Oh, and Sakumo is still alive. No worries my boys will rectify that oversight. Boys!"

The Root Anbu attacked us as Danzo slipped through another door. I tried to go after, but it was plain to see they were after me. Sakumo and Minato attacked ruthlessly any who came my way. Nade and I were able to slip through with the Nara heir, Shikaku. The fight raged on as we followed Danzo down into the depths of the building. The room opened up into a training facility.

There we again confronted Danzo. Along with another 5 of his Root Anbu.

"Really, Orochimaru, it's like your making this too easy on me. Grab him and Tsunade, she could be resourceful once we have convinced her with our methods. Kill the boy."

Nade handed a seal to the kid. As her and I fought off the Root Anbu. She threw a punch as one of the men attacked. I attacked with hidden snake hands, but was countered by a earth rock wall.

Shikaku was trying to use his clan jutsu to attach the seal onto Danzo, but Danzo used a hidden katana in his cane to slice through it.

Shikaku was overwhelmed by three more Anbu that were hiding in the shadows. He was sliced over his right eye and then knocked out. Nade turned and punched out one of the men trying to stab the poor thing who was down. Nade used her medical jutsu to stop the bleeding and make sure he was ok. I used my snake clone technique to help defend them. Once she was sure he was fine she went to carry on with the fight. Only Danzo approached her from behind and before she could attack he placed a sealing tag on her. She dropped next to Shikaku like a sack of scrolls.

"Oh, too bad. Your little friend and teammate are no help now."

They moved in, but I and my clone continued to fight. They dispersed my snake clone and came at me with tantos. Just then Minato and Sakumo arrived behind me.

"Sorry it took so long, Mama."

"Oh dear boy, you and your sneaking hirashima. You and your father made it just in time."

"Touching, Orochimaru. But they can not help you!"

"Your done Shimura, you bastard! For what you did to my spouse and children, I will fucking gut you."

Sakumo's summons appeared and surround the unconscious teammates. Sakumo unsheathed a tanto and he covered it in his clan's white lightening chakra. Minato made a spinning ball of chakra (rasengan) and I pulled Kusanagi from my body. I never thought I'd have to use this cursed blade again, but for Danzo I would.

It was almost like for every one Root anbu we defeated two more would pop up. We fought hard against them. But Danzo was making his escape again.

"Ahhh, he is getting away again."

The little shit in front of me went down as my anger over took me and my dragon roared with me as we fought to reach Danzo. As I pulled away, I heard the scream of "Son, NO!"

I turned to look behind me and saw Minato get knocked down. My dragon saw red. We doubled back, fighting like the yokai. As soon as I could reach Minato, Raiya showed up and with him, Shikamoto and Crane. I dropped down to Minato. To check my baby. They fought on in my stead.

"Minato, oh dear boy, are you ok?"

My hand glowed green with the little healing chakra I knew to check him over. He had been run through with a tanto in the side. It missed everything vital. Thank kami-sam.

"Sorry, mama, rookie mistake. I turned to check on you."

"It's ok. I'm healing it now. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of pulled away to follow Danzo. It's my fault."


Sakumo didn't look back, he kept fighting, but he was worried and so I assured him.

"He'll be ok, Sakumo."


"Sorry dad, Sensei, I was worried about mom and dropped my guard. I'm good. I finally get to have a cool combat scar. Think Kushina will think it's sexy?"

We heard Sakumo and Raiya laugh at that. Even in the midst of a battle, our cheerful sunshine could cheer us up.

I kissed his head. Once the healing was done. And told him...

"I'm positive she will probably beat the chakra outta you once this is over. Now stay down and cover Nade and Shikaku."

I got up and noticed that most the Root Anbu had been defeated.

"Sakumo, let's finish this."

"Sure thing, my koi. Minato and Crane stay here and guard the team. Shikamoto and Jiraiya you're with Orochi and I. Let's go."

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