Chapter 13: The Elder's gift

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I hurt. Though I couldn't feel my body. All I could see was black. Were my eyes even open?

"Where am I?"

I said into a vastness. A baritone grumbly voice answered.

"In the place that dwells not. In the home long past. I thought all our descendants were gone. Our line extinguished. But you are here, young dragon. So it must not be."

"Who are you? What are you talking about?"

"I am the soul of the Doragon clan. The dragon, Heiwana hikari (peaceful light)."

"So I am descended from you, Heiwana hikari, but why am I here?"

A growly chuckle vibrated around him.

"Do you not know? Hahaha. You received a mate mark, did you not? young dragon. Your mate smells of a wolf, no canine, there is dog mixed in the scent. When our kind finds their mate and receives their mark they must journey here. Receiving the gift from your Elder for your special occasion. I must ask though, the last to come was decades ago. The young one was named Yume Doragon."

"That was my maternal grandmother."

"I see. So then are you the last?"

" Most likely. I am male in a relationship with a male. I have a bond with two children I have claimed as my own, but I am the last Doragon mixed with the nameless snake clan. Yume was the last of her clan. She married into a snake clan to hide. I was the only child of an only child. I knew nothing of my history, but songs and stories long forgotten until a child imprinted on me and it awoke something."

"You awoke your Dragon spirit. Much like a tailed demon trapped inside a host. You to carry another thing. A second spirit. Yours is a female. The imprinting from the child most likely stirred her from her slumber. We died out because the clan failed to awaken their dragons. An awakened dragon can pass to this plain once their human counterpart dies. But if they continue to slumber till death, death takes them also. Our clan grew week when the dragons stopped waking. Females were hunted and killed to stop our procreation. Males grew weak without their dragons and could not protect the horde. And so we died."

"How sad. Umm, so does my dragon have a name?"

"She carries your name, till she reaches this plane of existence. Now your mating gift."

"It is enough you explaining this to me, but I beg a few more questions."

"Go on, young dragon."

"If my mother never came here. She did not awaken her dragon."

"That is true. So sad. She must have carried more snake than a dragon. But I still wonder...why you have come, when she did not."

"Is there any written history that may have survived?"

"Ours was a verbal history. Knowledge passed through songs and stories. But your dragon knows those."

"Can I communicate with dragon?"

"She is spirit. So you can feel her and usually nothing more. The knowledge you seek will be found in our songs and stories, she has already shared those. But she has shared her power of intelligence and strength with you since before you were born also. Now our time is limited. So I must tell you. Children of bond over blood will bear the Doragon mark. And babies conceived after the mark will bear the mark. The mark is not complete until you share the mark. So you must mark your mate also. But you must do it quickly. An incomplete mating will cause stress on your Dragon and stress could cause your death."

"Ok. I'm starting to feel my body."

"Your time is almost up. Your mating gift. Ask your heart's desire."

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