Chapter 29: Worry from afar

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I sat in a cabin in the woods in the Land of Snow. I was watching Kabuto toddle around playing with his toys as I prepared dinner. I was here on a mission of sorts. It was more like witness protection detail.

I was advisor to the daiyamo of this land, though I was here under an alias and used a permanent henge which I had sealed hidden into a charm. I had to do the same to Kabuto. We went by Uzawa Hashimoto and Uzawa Yukimaru.

We lived in a cabin on the Daiyamo's property and spent our days working for the man. Our story went, we were from the employ of the land of fire daiyamo and after my wife passed in child birth, asked if I could be reassigned somewhere were the memories could not haunt me. And so here we were.

Every one assumed my lack of socialization was because of my grieving. But when the daiyamo's lady wife told me I should remarry for the baby's sake, I politely told her I could never do that as I had lost the love of my life and I was more than enough to raise my son. I was not bothered by such again.

My days were filled with work and Kabuto. My nights were lonely and filled with dreams of the family so far away and a longing for my mate. But I did not allow myself to despair. I needed to be strong for our baby who I was protecting. Though I dearly missed them all.

I got biweekly updates from Minato. I grew very close to him through our letters. And couldn't wait for the next one. We started a coded system with names, just in case. I got updates on Kakashi, Anko, himself and the village. Though the information on Orochi tended to be lacking. But I knew that would most likely be the case.

I returned every letter with a reply. Telling him of Kabuto's progress and our life here. Giving him advice or words to share with his siblings. I forever asked about Orochi, knowing Minato would probably have nothing to report.

And so here I was making katsudon when Minato's messenger toad arrived.

I set the message aside for a minute and finished cooking. Plated up our food and set the table. While the food cooled enough to eat, I took Kabuto to wash up.

"Come on, my little dragon, time to wash up for supper."

"What for tupper, dada?"

"We are having katsudon."

"Me no want, want toup."

"Well if your gonna be a big boy you need to try to eat all your food, whether you like it or not."

"Ture, dada."

"Good, now let's go eat. I, for one, am hungry."

And I also want to read Minato's letter. I was having a moment of foreboding.

I sat him at the table and we started to eat as I opened the scroll.


I am writing you to let you know that Hatchling brought up something mama said. Hatchling being as bright as he is, picked up on it and passed it to me. Somehow he figured out about you and that I was in contact.'

I thought... Of course he figured it out. All my children are bright.

'But he said mama said and I quote, "It's gonna take more than all our family, even if your To-san tried to help, to dig me out of the grave that the rat has put me in. Besides I'm not the only one who needs rescuing.'

I froze. Orochi was in trouble. My heart sank and I continued to read.

'I know I've told you that mama seemed to pull further into a cold, shut off state than originally planned. Also that mama has had no contact with anyone especially mama's Sensei or my sensei or the medic. But I'm starting to think he might not be able to.

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