Chapter 21: Minato Namikaze

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Orochi had gone back to the lab and secured any and all data on their research into gene splicing and stem cell research. All files were downloaded then erased. Orochi went so far as to take a computer, paper files, samples, equipment used I.e. the broken tank to the hospital incinerator.  He met Nade there and they fucking destroyed everything.

They stood in the glow of a fire burning everything up, all evidence of their dreams, all their years of hard work. Orochi had even burned the eggs from his body that were in cold storage. If eggs were needed again for him or Nade they would extract some but he didn't want anyone but them touching what was his clan gift.

Tears flowed. He reached out and held Nade's hand. The only one who would understand his pain over this. They had almost created something miraculous. And now they didn't know if they could ever try again.

"Sniff...that rat bastard..all of it. Gone! And what is left over, on this drive that will be locked away for gods knows how long. Sniff sniff."

"Nade, we will pay him back tenfold. We will get him and get our dream back. I promise. By the way, the sleaze is going to try to question you."

"He already did. But without that paper, you took from him, I refused. He left and I got called to Sensei's office under a code red. I just knew the two were tied together. Come on. Let's get the kids and go back to Sensei. Sakumo still out on the mission?"

Orochi sighed and ran his hand through his messed hair.

"Yeah. I wish he was home. He wants another genin team. He misses the last one. And it helped keep him closer to home."

Orochi and Nade met up with Raiya.

"Such long faces. Who pissed in your ramen?"

"Raiya, children!"

"Ugh, like your gakis haven't heard worse. No, seriously though what's up?"

Nade and Orochi gave each other looks. Code red...they couldn't even though it was Raiya.

"You are done with your team for the day?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Come with us to Sensei's office."

"I guess. Ok gakis quoting time."

Three teen boys and Kakashi, Anko, and Shizune walked up to them. One teen was definitely an Uchiha. One looked to be an Akamichi. And the third was a sunny blonde with blue eyes. Orochi couldn't make out a clan. But his son was walking close to this teen. Could this be the wonderous Namikaze Minato Kakashi always spoke of?


Anko came running up and leaped into his arms.

"Where's Kabuto?"

"Your Ojichan has him. We are going to get him now. Kakashi, who is this? A friend?"

The blonde seemed embarrassed. Raiya stepped in with introductions.

"Apologies, team 7 meet team 7...haha, guys this is the original team 7. My teammates Senju Tsunade and Doragon-Hatake Orochimaru. Shizune is Nade's daughter and Kakashi and Anko are Orochi's children. This is Akamichi Men, this is Uchiha Tori, and this is Namikaze Minato. Who is a chunin. This is team 7 I trained before the war. Mina is now my apprentice."

The teens stood in awe.

"You are the Sannin. The legendary Sannin are all standing in front of us. I am honored."

"Wait till I tell my brother when I get home and we've been training with their kids. Jiraiya Sensei you didn't tell us that. You said they were your nephew and nieces."

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