The End.

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Holy Gods above, I did it. Longest book I ever wrote.

(Stands behind podium holding award)

I'd like to thank the academy and my family and...

Puft! Who the hell am I kidding. I'll be lucky if a handful of you good fanfic readers do read this.

This one was one of those weird out there pairings that I occasionally saw and was like 'damn I really like this pairing, but there is not shit for any good length stories out there about them'. And so a notion got stuck in this pretty little messed up head o'mine.


I want to hook them up with lots of babies. I mean sweat adorable Kakashi, a cute crazed Anko and helpless, small dad's boy sweet Kabuto and a shy timid wide-eyed Mama's angel Tenzo and throw in a sad but smiling teen Minato. Add in a Tsunade that could and does have a family to call her own and love. Adopt a Hokage as a father, throw in a badguy we all saw as a bad guy from the start. Throw in some tender moments, sad, dangerous and sexy expiriences, a dash of laughter and stir vigorously. And Bam! You got this shit show.

Well I do write my stories mainly for my own entertainment, but I got lost on the corna/covid path of life with a trail down a MHA ship that I obessessively read for awhile and forgot about this one.

Damn and I hate leaving stuff. So I jumped back to the ol' keyboard and started finishing this crazy thing off.

So here we are at the end.

If ya made it this far. Congrats.

I had originally wanted to write a book two, buuuutttt, who the hell knows now, surely not me. My head is on to bigger and scarier aspects. I have a MHA story brewing in there. It be my first one.

So maybe one day down the road, I will come back for Orochi and Sakumo's story.

I mean what the hell happens when Naru comes along? Does everything play out much the same as our favorite story our Naruto? Especially with an alive Sakumo and Dai or Orochi and Nade in the village. What about their future brood? And grandbabies? Do they get dragons? And who the hell is the kids that Nade will birth? Cause I'm not an OC writer.

Well one can only guess. I mean really...cause I have no clue!

Thanks to all my loverlies. I do really appreciate you reading this, especially if you just read this mouth vomit of a last farewell chappie. Thanks!

Much love.
Tata, Me💖

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