Chapter 5: Never leaving you

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After Orochi left with Kakashi, Sakumo fought to stay awake. He wanted to ask Tsunade a few things.

"Have you spent much time with Orochi since he has had my son?"

"Orochi and I do medical research together. So almost every day and I go to dinner with them occasionally, what do you want to know? I don't do subtle, not with the teammates I have, so just ask what you want to Sakumo."

"Is he really different from before he met Kakashi?"

Tsunade removed his neck bandage and cleaned the stitches. The man's neck had been cut in a horrible attempt to end his life by his captors when his rescuers arrived. She tried to fix the ugly jagged line, but he would have a nasty scar. She began to rewrap the wound.

"Orochi is from the Snake clan if you didn't know. He has been compared to snakes for as long as I have known him. Cold. Emotionless. Deadly. Evil. But it is not true. Orochi feels much he just doesn't dwell on what he feels or let it rule his life like some of us do. He was ruled by logic. Orochi lost both his parents at the same time when he was 4. His parents loved him, but their death broke something in his character development. I've never seen Orochi act the way he does until he found Kakashi. It's weird, almost like they have bonded. I have also seen your son acting like Orochi, things that you don't just pick up over a few weeks. It goes beyond the nurture vs nature debate. Your son does things that make me think Orochi and him are blood-related."

"It's as I thought."

"And that is?"

She rewrapped some lacerations on his un-casted arm after cleaning them. And began to check his pinky amputation.

"Kakashi imprinted on him. Hatakes imprint on their parents. He never imprinted on his biological mother, almost like he knew even as an infant she would leave. I figured he just wouldn't imprint/bond with anyone besides me. But some instinct in him made him search out his mother figure when the old aunty died and I wasn't around to care for him. Except for the fact they don't share blood, Orochi is Kakashi's mother in every sense of a mother to him. I don't know why your friend has changed, but I can promise you this...I won't ever take my son from him. Kakashi would morn terribly for the loss of an imprinted parent. I won't ever do that to my son."

"I think you should tell Orochi about this. He may not show it or say anything, but he is terrified that taking Kakashi away is exactly what will happen. Orochi will probably never say this out loud, but he loves that boy like he is his own. It's not just Kakashi that is bonded, Orochi is also."

Tsunade finished changing the bandages and was just about to leave and let Sakumo get some rest. But Sakumo spoke up again.

"Does he look and dress that way because he likes men for partners?"

Tsunade tried to hide the happy knowing smirk and countered with...

"He is not so much into the gender of his partner, as he has a type."

"What's his type?"

"Now that you'll have to figure out yourself. Anything thing else?"

"Is he with anyone?"

Now Tsunade couldn't help but chuckle. Poor man, he was already hooked. But would Orochi be upset if she played matchmaker or better question: would the newly changed Orochi be willing to let the man in?

Ok, so maybe her friend needed a nudge and this man seemed to be willing to try. So why the hell not.

"Don't take this wrongly, but Orochi doesn't date. Most people are intimidated and frightened by him. And the only thing that does is make quick bedfellows. He was used as a convenience by all of them in his past. No one has ever tried to share anything more significant. And if you're serious about him, I'd advise keeping it in your pants as long as possible. And if your not serious leave it be, don't mess up what is between Orochi and Kakashi. It will not be easy. It's taken Raiya and I about 20 years to just get him to call us friends. But I will help in any way I can."

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