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Early in the morning you were sitting at the table in the conference room eating a small piece of bread. Hanji filled you in on the plan that Rod Reiss has for Eren. He's planning to have Historia eat Eren and take his titan shifter abilities.

She told you about her speculation about Ymir and how she used to be a mindless titan before she ate someone from Reiner and Bertholdt's group. Hanji believes that if a pure titan consumes a titan shifter than they will be able to transform back into a human as well as attain the powers that the titan they ate had.

You swallow the dry piece of bread as you hear someone's footsteps approaching you. You look towards the doorway to find Hanji leaning against the wall.

"We'll be leaving soon," she says simply. You look at her features and notice the bags under her eyes and frown. You were lucky to get a blink of sleep last night, but Levi and Hanji didn't recieve the same treatment.

"To go to Rod Reiss' estate?" you question. You stand up from your chair and push it in. She gives you a nod before leaving.

"Hanji," you say, catching her attention. "I'm sorry about your squad. If I was thinking harder I could've prevented their deaths."

She gives you a smile, "It's not your fault Y/N. They did their jobs and you and Levi were able to escape with their sacrifices." You frown deepens. She turns to walk away, and you think of all of the squad members you've lost before this. It never gets easier losing a squad, one may show less emotion of it, but you always feel the guilt of their deaths haunting you.

"You ready to go?" you hear a deep voice snap you out of your daze. You look up to meet familiar steel eyes.

"Yes," you say simply. Levi turns slightly while keeping his gaze on you, signalling that he's waiting for you to leave first. You walk passed him and out the door.

"Captain Y/N!" you hear Jean call as you walk out the door. You notice him walking over to you with a brown cloak.

"What's up?" you question.

"Here," he says simply, handing you the cloak. You grumble a bit but realize that your group would be unable to wear the signature capes. You put the cloak around you and tie it at your neck. Under the cloak you have on a simple grey shirt, the black pants, shoes you were required to wear, and, of course, your ODM gear. You look around to see everyone present and then you glance over to Levi.

"Alright, you brats. We'll be headed through the mountains on foot in order to get to Rod Reiss' estate and rescue Eren and Historia," he says simply.

"We're going on foot?" Sasha questions with a small groan. You smile slightly at this.

"Of course we're going on foot. A horse and carriage wouldn't be very sly of us," you say with a small laugh. You get a smile from Jean and Armin, and Sasha recieves and smack in the back from Connie, acting like what you said was obvious.

"Let's go," Levi says as he starts to walk. You walk with him with all of your team members behind you.

• • •

The group gets about two hours into the walk before you all realize that you're going to need some supplies to get through this hike. Levi sent Armin, Mikasa, and Jean to the nearby town to get some things for the trip and the plan that he has for when you arrive at your destination.

You sit on a rock and look up at the sky as you listen to Sasha and Connie bicker to each other. You glance over at Levi, who's on the ground resting on one of his palms. He has one of his legs bent at the knee with his other hand resting atop it. His expressionless face looks off into the trees and you begin to wonder what exactly he's thinking about.

"Do we have any food in any of our bags," Sasha says, followed by a loud rumble from her stomach.

"Sasha stop thinking with your stomach and just wait for the other to get back," Connie says and they continue their bickering. You sigh and look back up at the blue sky and watch the white, fluffy clouds float by.

"Both of you stop talking," Levi says with his monotone voice after a few minutes of listening to Connie and Sasha speak. They both stop talking immediately and you continue to sit in silence until the other three get back.

"Captain! We bought the supplies," you hear Jean's voice say after a few minutes. You look up and see the three of them approaching with their brown drawstring bags filled.

"The MPs were handing out these fliers," Armin says as he hands a piece of paper to Levi. You hop off the rock you were sitting on and walk over to him. You peer behind his shoulder to see what the flier says and you find a very bad drawing of your own face.

"Why did they draw my face so... round?" you question looking down at the poorly draw picture. You notice one of Levi and hold back your laughter.

"Oh Levi, you should definitely start rocking the middle part," you giggle, pointing at the drawings hair. He shoots you a dirty look and looks back at the flier.

"If this is true, the Scouts will be disbanded. They say they'll be hunting for us in the mountains tonight. They're also posting guards on all the vital roads. No one can get through them without a pass. So Captain? What now?" Armin questions. You notice that Armin is kneeling on one of his knees and Mikasa and Jean have taken a seat, however, you continue to stand behind Levi.

"We need to hurry and find Eren," Mikasa says with urgency in her voice.

"He'll be fine," Levi says, catching everyones attention. He lowers the flier down, resting his hand on his knee once again.

"They're taking him on a wagon. That gives us one day before they reach Reiss' estate, and we need every second we can get to come up with a plan," Levi claims.

"Captain, I hear footsteps," Sasha says looking over to her right. Armin lets out a gasp as you all look in the same direction.

"Sounds like they're approaching," she says leaning closer to the direction of the noise. You begin to hear faint footsteps in the grass and glance at Levi.

"All of you come with me, Y/N go down by the river and keep your hood up," Levi orders. You put your hood up and walk to the river, away from everyone else. You grab a bucket before you leave the campsite, coming up with a plan.

You intentionally make a bit of noise as you walk down the river. Once you get their you get on your knees and fill up the bucket with water.

"Don't move!" you hear a masculane voice from behind you say. You pause your movements at this. You can hear two sets of footsteps approaching you.

"Turn around slowly," the voice commands. You smirk at this a bit and put both of your hands up. You stand up on your feet.

"You must be a Scout," he says as you begin to slowly turns around.

"Not a sound. Don't say a word," he says as he stuffs his rifle in your face. You stare down the barrel of the gun and meet his eyes.

"Doesn't she look kind of familiar?" the girl says, hestitantly.

"It doesn't matter," he says looking over at you. He begins to move a bit closer to you.

"Now listen and do exactly as I instruct-" he gets cut off as Levi and Mikasa jump down from the trees and subdue them both. Levi has his sword pressed against the neck of the man, while Mikasa has hers against the woman's. You remove the hood from your head and smile at the girl.

"She looks familiar because she's Captain Y/N of the Scouts you idiot!" she yells to the boy next to her.

"That's the way, now hand your guns to Captain Y/N over there," Levi says. You hold both of your hands out and take the rifles from them.

"Keep quiet, right?" you question with a smirk on your face.

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