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A few days have passed since Hanji's two titans were killed. The Military Police had to check everyone's Vertical Maneuvering Equipment and of course, everyone in your squad was clear. With the collaboration of you all, you had the castle spotless.

You were outside with Eld, Gunther, and Eren. You three were in charge of watching him for the rest of the morning. Eld and Gunther were sitting on the stairs while Eren was feeding the horses. You, on the other hand, were leaning against the stables watching Eren.

"So, after that whole inspection, they didn't turn up one person that used their ODM gear without permission. So who coulda done it?" Gunther questions. "Beats me and right now I'm more concerned about the recruits," Eld says.

"Right isn't the recruitment drive tonight?" you chime in. "In the last four years, we've lost 60% of our whole regiment. Do you actually think anyone will join us?" you ask them. You look over at Gunther to see him staring at Eren. "Hey, Eren! You know if anyone in your class is thinking about joining us?"

"Yeah there are a few... or at least, there were. I'm really not so sure now," Eren answers. You sigh hearing that news. No matter how many, any recruits could help out. The Survey Corps needs as many people as they can get.

"Fall in people!" you hear Gunther yell. You look up to see Levi approaching on horseback. "Make ready people, we're going on patrol," Levi informs you. "Yes Sir," Gunther, Eld and you say in synchronization.

"Good morning Captain! Reporting for duty!" Eren exclaims. You smile at his excitement. "Eren, you will stay within ten meters of me at all times. The only reason that you're out of your cell is because I'm keeping an eye on you, understood?" Levi tells him. "Yes Sir," Eren says back.

"Let's ride," Levi says before turning the other way on his horse. "Thanks for giving us a minute to saddle up, I really appreciate it," you say loudly. You grab your white horse and follow after him quickly.

Levi and you are at the front of the movement and Gunther and Eld are at the rear. Leaving Eren in the middle of you all. You all continue to ride the path down into the outer towns. "Do you think well actually run into anything?" Eren asks. "That depends on the circumstances, seeing that it's early in the morning the chance is low of encountering anything out of the ordinary, but you should keep your guard up either way," you tell him.

Silence falls over the group as you continue to on the path. You start to wonder what Petra and Oluo are doing right now. There was no need to take everyone with you on patrol so you left those two at the castle. You remembered Petra saying something about needing to attend the recruitment drive, but you can't recall any specific details.

"Y/N to your left," Levi says. You look over your left shoulder to see a six-meter walking slowly. It looked to be moving with no motive signaling that it is normal. "Can you handle it alone?" Eren questions. "Of course," you simply say before jumping off your horse.

You use your ODM gear to hook to a close-by house. Once you're atop the house you launch a hook to the middle of its forehead slicing both of the eyes as you swiftly move past it. You release the hook from its forehead and aim it at the nape of the neck, taking down the titan in one swoop. You make your way back over to the rest of your squad and climb back onto your horse.

"That was amazing Y/N!" Eren says. "It really wasn't anything, it was a small pure titan I bet you could've killed it by yourself," you tell him nonchalantly. "What is your titan record anyways?" Gunther asks you. You look back at him. "24 kills 49 assists, you have to remember that I am a Captain myself," you tell him. "Give or take a few, I focus more on the task at hand rather than counting how many titans I've killed," you inform. "R-Right should've known," Gunther says.

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