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After Hanji informed your group of Eren and Historia's suspected whereabouts being the chapel on Rodd Reiss' estate you got your horses and headed towards it quickly. You were sitting beside Levi in a wagon, while Hanji and Mikasa were seated across from you. You stared off into the trees behind them, zoning out slightly. 

You all had discussed a plan before you set out that consisted of using signal flares, and barrels full of oil to block the vision on the MPs which would allow you all to get into range to use your swords. Sasha has an excellent aim with a bow and arrow so the plan is to light a torch so she can light the arrowheads on fire and shoot the barrels, causing an explosion. 

The plan wasn't bad, you were just worried about being incredibly outnumbered because there are only nine of you. You knew that Kenny's soldiers were well-trained, however, you are hoping that the nine of you hold a lot more combat experience than them. You sighed while you listened to the wheels of the wagon come in contact with the dirt below you, as well as the horse's hooves come in contact with the ground. You glanced over at H/N, watching him pull the cart for a bit before averting your gaze back to where it was previously. You frowned as you thought about how you haven't been able to tend to him in a while, and you put it first on your list once you were done with this mission. 

"Oi Y/N!" you hear Hanji say, causing your gaze to shift to their brown eyes. You have a blank expression on your face, which probably is making you look like you're mad about something. 

"What's up?" you say simply as the silence in the air is filled with the sound of the horses galloping as well as the air whipping past your ears. 

"You look a little dazed, is everything okay?" Hanji says with a smile on her face. You give her a small grin and nod. 

"Just tired, as I'm sure the rest of us are," you say. 

"You could always take a nap! We won't be there for a while," she suggests, relaxing her posture a bit so her elbows are resting on the wood of the wagon behind her. 

"That's okay, last time I fell asleep in a wagon, you woke me up and almost made me fall out," you say shifting yourself as well. You feel your arm brush against Levi's as Hanji laughs at your comment and you smile again. 

"I knew that someone wouldn't have let you fall out," she says with a teasing tone and loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot that Captain Y/N has a mystery crush," Armin says, chiming in. Hanji lets out another laugh at this and you feel a blush form on your cheeks. You look over at the back of his head, your mouth agape as you can tell he's trying to figure you out. You study Mikasa's expression and find a thoughtful look on her face as well. 

"Don't you start thinking about it too," you say to her with a threatening tone, which causes her to straighten up. 

"How old are you again, Y/N?" Armin suddenly asks. Your mouth falls again in shock. 

"Armin! It is impolite to ask a lady her age!" you say with an exaggerated gasp and fake hurt in your voice. 

"I'd say 23 at the oldest," Mikasa guesses causing you and Hanji to both laugh again. Hanji's laugh is especially apparent as it seems she has found Mikasa's comment extra hilarious. 

"You hear that Hanji? I'm 23!" you say sarcastically with excitement in your voice. "That actually makes me really happy, thanks, Mikasa!" You look at Levi to find him completely ignoring all of you. You nudge his arm with your elbow which makes him look at you with his steal-colored eyes. You furrow your brow and tilt your head slightly, wanting to know if anything is wrong. He lets out a sigh which causes the joking mood to fall flat and the seriousness of the situation to return. 

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