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You duck immediately and look to your left in horror as Nifa's lifeless body falls beside you. You dash to move to the other side of the chimney beside you.

Panic begins to fill your brain as you look at Levi's wide eyes.

"Long time, Levi. Still, a runt, or have you grown some?" you hear a deep, baritone voice ask from the other side of the roof. You take a deep breath and control your heart rate, preparing to flee. You look around to see several people on the roofs with ODM gear and weird looking guns. You hear the man behind you two shoot off his ODM gear to attach it to the chimney Levi is behind.

"Woohoo!" You hear him use his ODM gear and see him falling, upside down with his guns pointed at Levi. "Nope! Doesn't look like you've changed much at all boy!" You glance at Levi and prepare to flee, looking at the man in front of you.

"Kenny!" Levi yells while throwing his blade at him. The man blocks the sword with his pistol and aims at Levi.

You jump off the roof, knowing that Levi will be fine, and quickly use your ODM gear to move through the tall buildings of the city. "Go after the girl!" you hear the same man yell. You head towards the direction of the wagon that has Eren and Historia in it, but you are intercepted by five of the soldiers with guns. You reposition the anchor of your ODM and flip yourself around so your gas pushed you towards the ground.

Shit. How did they find out everything that we had planned?

You hear gunfire, that's not directed at you, go off while evading the five soldiers chasing you, and you begin to worry about your squad. You fear that the members of the 104th cadet core may not be able to take another human's life intentionally. You kick yourself into a building, shattering the glass around you, and quickly take cover behind some furniture. You hear two of the soldiers zip on the side of the building, one on the top, one near the entrance, and one follow after you inside the window.

The girl who followed you into the building fires a shot that comes close to hitting your foot. You reposition and think of a plan to get out of your current situation. You know that she won't come closer than she is because in a close-range fight you have the upper hand with a sword. You take a deep breath and tell yourself that you won't be able to get out of this situation without killing some of these people and that it will be no different than killing a titan, it's either you or them.

You look in front of you and see a cup on the table and grab it. You toss it over the couch that your behind and hear the woman shoot it. She mutters something as she begins to reload her gun. You catch her reflection in the mirror and move to go in for the kill while she's reloading. Her lifeless body falls to the ground after you cut her midsection, and her bloodstains your shirt. You use one of your left anchors to hook onto her dead body and plan your next move.

Quickly walking over to the broken window you peer outside of it to see if you can see or hear anyone around. As you expected, they are being silent so they don't give away their position. Worrying about your squad, you decide that you need to act quickly. You use your right anchor to attach to the building adjacent to you and use your gas to propel you forward. Using the woman's dead body as a meatshield for the shots that are fired at you, you run atop the new building. You throw one of your blades at the man on top of the building you were just in, hitting him between the eyes. Grabbing a new blade and kicking the woman's body off of your anchor, you head to the wall where you can hear shouting.

You quickly zip through the city, aware of the three people still chasing you. One of them gets near you and tries to fire a shot. You use your gas to dodge the pellets of the gun and fire your right anchor into the man's chest. When you reel the anchor back in, he falls to the ground leaving only two people following you.

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