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You wake up in an unfamiliar setting. You look around to see that your arm has been wrapped in bandages and is quite sore. You find a room looking similar to yours, but there's a door on the right side of the room. You notice that there's light coming from under the door. Interested, you get up and make your way over to the door.

On your way over, you look out the window to see the moon staring back at you. You open the door quietly to see an office, composed of a simple desk and some couches. You notice Levi sitting at the desk with his head rested on his hand. You walk over to him and see that he's sleeping. His black hair is disheveled and has fallen over his right eye. You notice how peaceful he looks when he's sleeping. Smiling to yourself, you softly nudge his shoulder.

"Levi," you whisper. You wait a moment for him to respond, but once you don't get one you nudge him with more force. "Levi," you say louder.

"Mmph," is all you hear from him. You move your hand from his shoulder and poke him in the side as he did you. His eyes shoot open as he tries to move away from you.

"I knew you were ticklish!" you say loudly while giggling. "Tch," is the only response you get from him. He looks at your arm and then up to your cheek. "Go sit over there," Levi says looking over at the couch. You quiet down your laughing and walk over to the couch. You sit down and he crouches down in front of you and unwraps your arm.

"Second or third-degree burns?" you question. "Second," he responds examining it. "You should've told me about it before you came back to headquarters," he mentions with a scolding tone. You look to the side when he looks up at you.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Levi then questions. "It's not that I wasn't planning on telling you I just--" you start. You look back at him to see that his eyes are still on yours. "I just didn't want Eren to know. He already blames himself for almost killing his friend at the Battle for Trost," you explain. Levi nods and then starts to wrap your arm.

You twitch slightly as the bandage goes over your bicep, causing Levi to look up at you. "Sorry," you say quietly. "It's fine," he replies just as quietly as he continues to wrap your left arm.

As Levi goes down your forearm you start to feel a flutter in your stomach. You look at his face to see his dull grey eyes focused on your arm. His face looks calm but expressionless, giving you no hint to what he's thinking.

"Will you be fine to go on the expedition tomorrow?" Levi asks as he wraps your wrist. "I think so, it doesn't hurt to move. I'll just have to be careful not to put pressure on it," you tell him. He glances up at you and then sighs slightly. You raise an eyebrow at this.

Levi finishes wrapping your arm so you stand up. He follows your lead, causing you two to be chest to chest. You look up at his eyes to find him looking down at yours. You look down slightly to see that he's missing his signature cravat. He has the first three buttons on his shirt undone giving you a view of his sculpted chest. Your cheeks flush and you can feel your heartbeat speed up.

You look back at his grey eyes to see him looking towards your cheek. Levi slowly puts his hand on your cheek. "You should put a bandage on that," he mumbles, talking about the scrape on your cheek. Your eyes widen, "Y-Yeah."

Levi removes his hand from your cheek, skimming the corner of your bottom lip. He grabs a bandage patch from behind him and carefully tapes it to your cheek. You watch his eyes the entire time, as his fingers move carefully over your skin. He moves to walk back to his desk and you put your hand on your chest. You take a deep breath, trying to control your blush.

You follow him to his desk as he puts the first-aid kit supplies in one of the drawers. "You should go back to sleep," he suggests motioning towards his bedroom. "But it's your--," you start. "I prefer sleeping in my chair, to be honest," he says turning to face you. "I can just go back to my room," you say, looking at the ground. "It's fine. I can rewrap your bandages before we leave in the morning," he insists. "Okay," you say heading over to the door that you came from.

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