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You just arrived at the Stohess District. You were leaning against the back of a wagon, keeping Eren, Mikasa, and Armin company. Erwin had ordered you, Levi, and Hanji to join them on the ride. He said that he wanted you to be a squad for this mission.

"Great," Eren says, grabbing your attention. You looked over your shoulder at him. "Somebody explain to me what this means," he says sitting down. "I don't know, but they're titans, right? Would they break a wall with titans in it?" Armin asks, walking towards them. Your surprised that he was told that classified information, or so Hanji said it was.

"That's how they got into Shiganshina, so it wouldn't be the first time," you mention. "But that was a gate," Armin says. You turn your gaze to him, interested in what he has to say. "Armin, what exactly are you getting at?" Mikasa asks him.

"The walls are different. There are no signs of stress, no cracks, no crevices between the rocks. We can't even really tell how they were constructed. Suppose they're made out of the same stuff that Annie trapped herself in," he tells them.

So he hasn't been told about the titans in the walls? He is just thinking all of this up?

"So the walls. . . are made of titans?" Eren asks him. "That seems to be the only logical explanation I can come up with. Think about it, we've never had to do repairs on the walls and the stuff that Annie trapped herself in seems virtually indestructible," Armin explains. You decide to stop listening to his thought process because you already know the truth. You figured that Hanji would tell them as well while you are all in the wagon, plus it wasn't your place to tell them.

You watch an ember from a nearby fire as it floats up into the sky. You move your eyes to the darkness of the sky once the single ember is out of sight. Examining the stars, you think about how today has been hectic compared to most. Your mind wanders to what may happen if the Survey Corps aren't able to patch up the hole in Wall Rose. You hear the wagon creek behind you, and you guess that the three of them have taken their places.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Hanji's voice cuts you out of your train of thought. "It took longer to prepare than I thought." Levi, Nick, and Hanji all get into the wagon. Your mood immediately becomes sour when you see that there's barely any room for you. You narrow your eyes. You think about your options for a moment. You're going to be super close to whoever you have to sit by and the only seats available are next to Armin. . . and Hanji.

"Armin move over," you say quickly, not having to think for a second more. "O-Oh sorry," he apologizes, causing their whole bench to move over. "No worries," you say sitting on the edge. You find Hanji staring at you once you get settled. "What?" you ask. "You could've sat next to me," she tells you with a pout. "Oh I know," you say with a smirk. The three cadets stifle a laugh. "Rude!"

"Anyways, why is a priest coming with us?" Mikasa questions. "Ol' Nick and me are thick as thieves," Hanji says with a laugh. She puts her arm around his shoulders. "Don't think about it too much, makes about as much sense for him to be here as the rest of us don't you think? We're. . . random."

"No, on the contrary. Erwin's thrown us together for a reason," Levi says, looking at Eren. You give him a side glance and then try to adjust your position. Only one of your legs is securely on the bench. You bend your left elbow, putting it back so you can hold onto the side of the wooden plank.

"Open the gate!" you hear someone yell. You focus on the cranking of the gate opening until Erwin starts speaking, "The status of Wall Rose is unclear, but everything up to Ehrmich is safe. That's the route we'll be taking. Let's move out!"

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